Auction Fauna the Normal Deer

okay. =D I hope you have plenty of space for all those bells to be dropped. x3 hehe
okay. =D I hope you have plenty of space for all those bells to be dropped. x3 hehe

Yeah working on clearing space as well. I figured, we would do 5 mill first, have you claim her then the last 5 mill. Or would you rather do the 10 mill first.
splitting it up works if it makes you feel more comfortable. Im going a bit slow TTing cuz I dont want to loose my other dreamies. I had two animals tell me they were moving out in a row the other day. x3 they must hate me. LOL
Yeah, I am doing it slow. I don't remember the exact date, so I am doing it day by day :)
Hey Just for easier bell transfer. Put stuff up in retail for 1.6 mil each (like fruit). Easier than dropping all that cash : )
Hehe okay. Angus is moved out and I've added your FC. Ready when you are. =3
Ok still getting ready on my part. Do you want to do the retail thing?

Sounds interesting, but I still have to grab the bells each time. But requires less space to do it so whatever you want. =3

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if we do like 1mil at a time easier to keep track for me.
I'd prefer to do it 1 mill and my retail is actually really far, so I think it would just be best to drop.