fave 3ds game and why? other than acnl

I love the Professor Layton series (including Layton's Mystery Journey with Katrielle Layton). I love the stories even though I'm not all that amazing at the puzzles.
I would say my favorite 3DS games besides New Leaf are Super Mario 3D Land and Pokemon Omega Ruby. The former because I just think it's a really cute game and I love the 3D platforming, and the latter because it satisfies my need to shiny hunt for Pokemon:lemon:
The games that I have currently for the 3DS besides ACNL are: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, Tales of the Abyss, Conception 2: Children of the Seven Stars, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire, The Legend of Legacy, and Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven.

Out of all the 3DS games that I currently have in my possession I would have to say Tales of the Abyss would my favorite 3DS game other than ACNL. The reason for that is because it is a game that has a special place in my heart. I played the PS2 version of the game and had to get the 3DS version of the game. The voice acting in the game was really incredible and I liked a lot of the characters as well. Lots of laughs, touchy moments, and annoyances. Loved the battle system and the limited costumes. Prehaps I should go back to playing it again, even though I beaten the game a few times.
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Other than ACNL, my favourite 3DS game is Poochy and Yoshi's Woolly World. I'm a fan of all the Yoshi games but this one really takes the cake for me. The level designs are so unique and cute. The music is heartwarming. I like that they took out the baby aspect because they got kinda annoying in the other games. I LOVE hunting down wool to put all the patterned Yoshis back together, and getting to play as all the different Yoshis. 20/10, game of my heart
Kirby's Epic Yarn when it's comes out on March 8th!! :D

Prince Fluff isn't playable on the 3DS extra epic yarn.
I'm gonna change my favourite game to Kirby: Planet Robobobot. Kirby is ultra adorable in the robobot armor! :)
Right now it's Pok?mon Ultra Moon, because I'm going through another Pok?mon phase. Also have been revisiting Pok?mon X, Pok?mon Alpha Sapphire, Pok?mon White 2, Pok?mon Platinum, and Pok?mon Crystal.
My favorite 3DS games would probably be Pok?mon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire. While they unfortunately lacked the trainer customization found in X & Y and Sun & Moon/Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, ORAS are more thorough experiences and have a bit more challenge (which isn't difficult to accomplish when X & Y's Elite Four didn't even scale when you challenge them again) and aspects to sink your claws into. X/Y and S/M/US/UM are all enjoyable experiences in their own ways, but they feel a bit too easy and simple, and while the Island Challenge for the Alola games is a neat idea, the lack of Gyms ultimately feels disappointing when the game's finished. In addition to being more engaging, ORAS also had the Super Training mechanic that X/Y introduced, which I prefer over the ordinary EV training methods, though I will admit that the speed with which you can EV train with Power Items and Pok?Rus in S/M/US/UM is quite nice. It also doesn't hurt that I initially missed the Hoenn games since I had quit the series from after Crystal until that was remade in HeartGold and SoulSilver due to peer pressure to grow out of it, so experiencing the region for the first time with all the modern conveniences of the time was great.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf would probably be my second favorite behind the Pok?mon games. There's just so much customizability, and building my towns over the years has been quite enjoyable. I tend to binge on the game and then put it down for months before returning to it and binging on it again, so while I can get tired of it or get distracted by other things, it's always fun to return to.

Other favorites would be Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor: Overclocked, and Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker. I still need to break into the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games, but those two Devil Survivor games are right up my alley in the gameplay department and, despite being different from the main series, probably the best way I could've found my way into the series given my taste.
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Anything besides Animal Crossing and Pokemon, those are really the only games I play on there.

Now. When the Holidays kick in, the 3DS will be nothing but collecting dust thanks to AC Switch and Sword/Shield.
I love all the Pok?mon games, especially platinum (yea I know it?s dsi) and alpha sapphire. I also really love Fantasy Life. So on the 3DS, probably one of those two.
My favourite is the Layton series, Vs Phoenix Wright in particular, such a compelling and enjoyable game
I'd have to say I like all the games I've gotten for my 3ds, but probably the more Top ones i liked were; Kid Icarus Uprising (I spent so much time on this game), The fire emblem games (I'm probably still going to go back to fates soon *again* to complete everything legit), and Pokemon games, I also really liked Luigis Mansion 1 Remake and Fantasy Life which i also spent a lot of time on
My favorite 3DS game other than New Leaf is probably Pokemon X. Pokemon X/Y weren't as good as the Gen V games, but I loved the region, music, and some of the new Pokemon. Plus, X/Y are wayyy better than any Pokemon game released since, sadly. I hope that Sword/Shield changes that trend, but I'm worried.
I really loved playing Pokemon as a whole (X/Y, Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon) but I also really liked Fantasy Life, Miitopia, Tomodachi Life, and Rune Factory 4.
I like a lot of 3DS games better than ACNL. My favourite would be Pokemon ORAS since Hoenn is my favourite region and it looked amazing with the 3DS graphics
lol, in reference to the op: once you get your switch and get adjusted to ultimate you're going to hate smash 3ds when you look back on it. trust me.

as for my favourite games, I'd have to go with Animal Crossing NL and Pok?mon Ultra Moon; those are the two I find myself going back to the most often so naturally they are my favourite.
Hard to narrow it down, since I did the bulk of my gaming on my 3DS...but I was really into Theatrhythm Final Fantasy (both original and Encore), Pok?mon Super Mystery Dungeon, and...probably Pok?mon X.
Pok?mon X/Y is still my favorite 3D Pok?mon game in most aspects, it just did so many things right. My favorite aspects were the online connection (first and last time completing the dex for me D: ) and the customization, the Pok?mon were fun too. Only the characters and story fell flat, but this having been the first 3D and easily connected Pok?mon game I feel like that's okay. There was so much to do that it didn't really matter.

Fantasy Life was a blind purchase for me and it was just sooo good. I never understood why I loved it so much, but now I've read multiple times that it's like Animal Crossing mixed with (J)RPG elements and it's so true. You can go through the game with fighting, but you can also choose other classes to live a different kind of life. I think when I had the game I only focused on the combat, if they ever do a Switch sequel/remake I'll probably play through every classes' quests.

Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a 3DS game I always forget. It was the first Ace Attorney game I played as a Professor Layton fan, and the mix of them was really interesting and fun. Quite honestly I don't remember a lot from it outside of it being a fantastic novelty game, it's the least memorable Layton game from my childhood and I don't remember any case except for the overall story and twist. But I think mixing court cases with puzzles is wonderful, moreso than mixing court cases with investigation (though I do love the stories in Ace Attorney games). Overall I'm thankful it introduced me to Ace Attorney.

Those are my top 3 outside of Animal Crossing, but to be fair I played less than 10 3DS games.
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