Everyone's saying Pokemon and I agree but yo I wanna give this underdog piece of gold a chance to shine too. Warioware Gold. Omg idk what it is about it, maybe I just love Warioware Touched and that's why I love Gold but man it's just sooooo good. So many minigames to play and so many varieties OF THOSE minigames. And there's also different game modes to play those minigames in. Plus it's just so comedic ahaha-
The characters are goofy and lovable and while unfortunately I don't think they'll make a Switch version of this series (maybe they will cuz Warioware Gold just came out in 2018 anyway on the 3DS and Nintendo is full of surprises), it definitely is so worth it to play on the 3DS if you're looking for some mindless nonsensical entertainment.
The characters are goofy and lovable and while unfortunately I don't think they'll make a Switch version of this series (maybe they will cuz Warioware Gold just came out in 2018 anyway on the 3DS and Nintendo is full of surprises), it definitely is so worth it to play on the 3DS if you're looking for some mindless nonsensical entertainment.