Hi all! Getting into a new island before the new update and I just unlocked terraforming (yay!). I normally use custom paths but love the feel and sound of the in-game paths—but I’m torn between so many! I gravitate toward the light dirt path, the brick, and the stone.
I use the stone path and dirt paths the most. I would use the other ones sometimes but only to create specific areas, not as like the actual pathway. I use stone path to important buildings/areas and the dirt path everywhere else.
Big fan of arched tile and dark dirt paths, especially with flower spots for the latter. As for brick and terracotta, there's no negative opinion but neither will I like them enough to purchase them.
My opinions usually change depending on the theme I’m doing but not considering themes, I’m personally a fan of the dirt path (I use dark dirt paths for planting stuff on so I can’t use it as an actual path) and the brick path (because I like the brick bridge the most and it matches).
I like the terracotta path the most. I also like the dark dirt path, but don't use it much because flowers grow over it (nice for a pumpkin patch, though.)
Because the dirt changes colors with the seasons I discovered that I hated the light dirt in winter. Prior to that it was my main path type. Now I use terracotta.
I oddly don't like making paths. I've got a couple of custom ones, like in fake welcome mat sorta things in front of shops and from my front door to my front fence but I prefer the way things look with the grass. All my inclines are natural.
i like the brick, stone and arched paths. i don't know how to feel about the terracotta paths though, it only looks good on certain themed islands. i also dislike custom paths because they dont make the walking noise. im also not a fan of THE PATH if you know what im talking about.
My favorite is the terracotta path. It's pretty and I like it's sound.
I also like the light dirt path and it's sound but I hate how flowers grow on it. I also like how you can see a little dust.
My least favorite but don't hate is the stone path. I wish they did it in a different color and made it look more cobble like or stepping stone like. It just looks weird and dark to me.
I'd say my current favorite is the wood one, a new found favorite. using it a lot more recently...least favorite is probably the terracotta, only because it doesn't go with my island aesthetics.
I personally enjoy the light dirt and the stone paths! I like the way it sounds when you run over the wood path (I call it walk the plank path), but I can never find a use for it. That one tends to look odd on the edge pieces as well.
I don't use custom paths (unless I make them myself), so I use a mix of all the paths. The main areas (around the shops and plaza) use the terra-cotta tile. For wooded areas/camping areas/crops/gardens I use a mix of the dirt and dark dirt paths. I use the brick path in a little plaza area I made (used for decorating for specific events). For smaller, specific area designs, I use the stone path, sand path and arched tile path. I don't think I'm using the wooden path at the moment, but I do still like it!
i mostly use the regular dirt paths for my island, and if i'm not using that i'm using the arched tile path and occasionally the cobble one. i'd probably say my least favourite is the terracotta one just because in most scenarios i'd rather use any of the other paths - i never actually use sand but it's not my least favourite, i just don't really have a place on my island it'd fit
You can always put down real/default/in-game paths and then lay custom paths on top of them. It even still shows up on the map. Double the effort, but it may be worth it. Although I'm not 100% sure if the sounds still remain. I'd test it!