Favorite Juice

apple juice! i've been craving it lately, but i very rarely drink anything other than water/tea so it never occurs to me to buy some.
I loooooooooove apple juice 🥰🍎

Also someone else mentioned strawberry lemonade, I love that as well!
I love a cup of orange juice in the morning. Usually will go for cranapple or grape juice as well!
apple juice! it’s simple but so, so good and hits real different when you’re hella thirsty lmaoo

i also remember when i was younger, my mom would get me these fruit punch and peach cocktail juices - i haven’t had those in ages but i’ve been thinking about that peach cocktail lately and hoo boy was that drink good LMAO
Apple, grape, lemon and orange juice are my favorites, I have way too many favorites.
Lemonade if that counts! Love a cold glass of lemonade during the summer...

I also used to be a little hustler as a kid and made bank from a lemonade stand lol I always found busy roads and just plopped next to it with a pitcher and a sign. People would literally stop their car in the middle of traffic if it was a hot enough day.
I love grape juice 😍 haven't had it in ages though

Also this is probably not the juice you are looking for, but tomato juice is my jam! I love a good grilled cheese dipped in tomato soup! V8's are ok too.

I also had cran-lime juice as a mixed drink with lime vodka last night. Been on a lime kick lately so it was totally satisfying with that cran-lime juice!
Berry Punch, Watermelon, Kiwi and strawberry, and there was another but l don't remember the fruit in it.
Anything with fruit (or berries specifically) is good to me! I tend to prefer a mix of fruits in a drink because one flavour can be a bit overpowering. When it's a mixture it's just a sweet fruity drink.
Hmm... A tough question indeed.

I'd have to say orange juice! I like pulp, but I prefer no pulp. 😋
I like watermelon, grape, limeade and lemonade. I love pulp when it comes to juice. Apple juice from New Zealand is also amazing.
Typically stick to water, but enjoy mixing pomegranate juice with plain soda water.

Not a big juice person. 🤷‍♀️
amaretto pecan juice. lmao

more seriously, I love orange juice honestly. I also really like white grape juice, but I can't really handle too much of regular purple grape juice.
white peach cranberry. 100%. its the best juice youll ever drink and no one can convince me otherwise.
the sweetness of the peach. the tartness from the cranberry. they complement each other so perfectly 😭