Favorite K.K. Song Album Cover(s)?


Y2K era foreva.
Apr 11, 2023
Crystal Reindeer
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Christmas Candy
Festive Bell
We've had threads discussing about favorite aircheck K.K. songs, threads about favorite K.K. song live performances...but not threads about our favorite K.K. song album covers. Do you have a favorite K.K. song album cover or two, or more, because our favorite villagers appear on that album cover? Or is it because some of the album cover designs look awesome, depending on your view?

For me, my most favorite K.K. song album cover is To the Edge, because T-Bone and Doc appear on that album cover, and they are my two favorite villagers.


I also like the album cover of K.K. Flamenco, because one of my favorite villagers, Tipper, is also featured on that cover, too!


These are just two covers of which I really like the design. I especially like the second one. It reminds me of something, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. As for the first one, you can’t go wrong with a surfing dog playing guitar riding an actual wave,


I really like K.K. Slider’s outfit on this Aloha K.K. album cover. It reminds me of my favorite in-game shirt that was unfortunately changed in New Horizons. They changed the floral design on the Aloha tees to pineapples, and they just don’t hit like they used to. My favorite villager, Mac, had the red aloha tee as his default shirt, but his default shirt was changed when the design updated.

My favourite album covers are I Love You, K.K. Birthday, Chillwave, K.K. Dub, K.K. Parade and Marine Song 2001! I Love You’s cover reminds me of a rug you might see in a kindergarten classroom for some reason; I can’t put my finger on why, but the colours and the art style just scream preschooler’s rug (in a good way)! The image of Hamlet snoozing is just too cute. 🥹 I’ve always loved the colours of K.K. Birthday and K.K. Parade. I love anything rainbow-coloured a lot, so K.K. Parade‘s cover is just perfect to me. Tangy is so special to me and I love her a lot, and seeing her on K.K. Birthday’s cover makes me so happy! Chillwave, K.K. Dub and Marine Song 2001 are so gorgeous and pleasing to look at. K.K. Dub’s cover reminds me of The Hunger Games a bit, mostly because of the forest area and the sun peeking through the trees. So beautiful! 🫶


I also really like Animal City, K.K Dixie, K.K. March, K.K. Soul and Stale Cupcakes! I’ve never played City Folk but did enjoy watching playthroughs of it back in the day (especially RedPandaGamer’s), and Animal City’s cover is so nostalgic to me! The city and seeing Kicks at his little corner, Serena’s fountain etc captures the vibe of City Folk perfectly! I love the colours and art of K.K. March and K.K. Soul a lot, and I love to see my girl Carmen on an album cover! Stale Cupcakes is one of my favourite K.K. songs, and the cover for it is so simple yet so pretty and pleasing to look at! I mainly like K.K. Dixie because of how cute Bill looks in his little outfit LOL, but it’s really nice art!
I like to decorate with album covers sometimes and K.K. Jongra is probably my favourite. It has story to it like it could also be a movie poster and I love the cherry blossoms on it.

Wandering, Hypno K.K. and Forest Life are some other ones I like a lot.