Movie theater popcorn is the best, I don't know what it is, maybe because it's made in a real machine, but it's so amazing compared to microwave popcorn or anything I've had from an at home air popper.
Second best, but also maybe tied for first... is kettle corn! I can't go to a fair or event and NOT get a bag, as soon as I smell it, I know I have to buy some!
I also am super weak for those popcorn tins. I like eating it "Chicago style", with the cheesy and caramel corn mixed together. It's a really great combo!
carmel popcorn is the best, either that or some really good kettle corn. If it's just regular popcorn, I usually put Way Too Much Butter and excessive amounts of salt on it, but hey, it tastes really good
I'm completely obsessed with popcorn balls, Halloween is my favorite holiday all because of popcorn balls. During October I stock up on it, last year I had so much it lasted me until March. I also like caramel corn.