favorite missing npc?


Feb 19, 2021
whats your favorite missing or greatly changed mpc? i miss Blanca
Brewster is the npc I miss the most, really hope him and The Roost will turn up in an update at some point.
Also miss Pelly, Phyllis and Pete, they were such big parts of the older games and a lot of my early memories of first playing WW are off interacting with them, its a shame that they're unlikely to make an appearance in NH.
SAME, and sense we all have docks i hope in the future they'll be an update with Kapp'n and his family but idk if they'll ever ad Brewster -_-
Agreed! I am hoping for maybe like in City Folk you visit the city. That would be great! Brewster hopefully should arrive soon.
I miss Chip and Nat. We have CJ and Flick as a replacement but I find their personalities kind of annoying.
ya sense their original rolls are already filed, they should bring them back as like a Parents Day event or something
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I miss Don Resetti...
yes he already needed more dialogue in the games he was in, but in acnh he's completely gone there's not even any references to him like there is with Resetti.:(
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Brewster is the npc I miss the most, really hope him and The Roost will turn up in an update at some point.
Also miss Pelly, Phyllis and Pete, they were such big parts of the older games and a lot of my early memories of first playing WW are off interacting with them, its a shame that they're unlikely to make an appearance in NH.
i hope thay in an update thay ad Roost in like a major update a year after sum time the like did with pocket cam; but as for Pelly, Phyllis and Pete i really miss them idk how they could come back but i hope thay do :)
Gracie for her furniture, and Kapp'n and his family, for Tortimer Island.

I miss all of them.

Phineas, Katrina, Wendell, Brewster, Dr Shrunk, Pelly, Phyllis, Pete, Don Resetti, Katie and her mom, Blanca, Joan (WHY GET RID OF'HER?) Tortimer/Cornimer, Chip and Nat, Harriet, Digby, Copper and Booker.

I miss being able to visit the Roost and have random NPC's sitting there having coffee.
You got to know them a litle better. :)

Whoever else I've forgotten.
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either Brewster or Kapp'n. although I miss Brewster in the respect that I miss the cafe, whereas I miss Kapp'n more as an actual person because I just loved going over to the island with him (even though yes I usually skipped the songs oops)
Definitely Helios, even though he may not be needed anymore in NH (at least not giving out badges), but there's nothing more rewarding than seeing him around town - which added to NL's multi-layered experience.
Also, I miss every NPC relating to the (non-existent) post office, since they make everything feel a little more lively and less automatic.
And while I don't exactly miss the functionality of the HH SHowcase (I never met anyone, anyway), Nintendo needs to implement its music in some way.
I know a lot of people miss this NPC but for me its Kappa. I recently played New Leaf and I saw him in the game. He used to give you boat rides to that tropical island called Tortimer Island and he would always sing songs while you're going there and back to your town. It still bothers me how they left him out considering he fits so well with the theme that New Horizons is going for.
Brewster---I'm a coffee nut (or should I say 'bean'?) and I loved having a coffee shop in my town in NL. I love that he's quiet and slow and deliberate, and his glorious moustache! I'd carry around the coffee as an item almost all day every day, it made me feel cozy~
Kapp'n & Family---Really surprising he wasn't in the game to start with considering you're surrounded by the ocean, but I guess DAL fills his role in getting you to various islands (though with a sad lack of sea shanties...). I liked him though, he had personality! Maybe he and his family can vacation on *your* island this time around?
Joan---I'm kindof sad they retired Joan... And I love Daisy Mae, she's cute as a button! But I thought Joan had a cool design too. Ah well.

Dr. Shrunk/Phineas---I get why they're not in this iteration. And I'm much happier getting my reactions from passing villagers, it's just so convenient and impossible to miss out on (I didn't even know reactions were in my NL town for the longest time because I forgot the actual purpose of the Club :| ), but again, Shrunk had a unique design and I liked his gimmick. Phineas, on the other hand, just made me feel good about myself, lol. I wasn't the most avid player in NL, it was my first Animal Crossing game, but every time I saw him he had a new badge for me that made me feel like I was accomplishing things a little at a time, in my own way.
I miss the coffee shop, but the npc I most miss is Kappn. He was a little creepy, but funny. I'm still holding out hope he'll be added! Tortimer island would make for a great neighbor.

Katrina was fun, too and Bianca seems like an interesting character, even though I never got to see her.
Digby because he's super cute. But I also want Brewster, Katrina and Gracie.
Digby is adorable idk how they'd him maybe a extra amiibo functionality? and i hope thay ad Brewsters Cafe what if they put him in the museum thata Be great too. and Katrina could have her tent in the plaza, idk how they'd add Gracie but i hope she comes back.
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