SAME, and sense we all have docks i hope in the future they'll be an update with Kapp'n and his family but idk if they'll ever ad Brewster -_-Brewster and Kapp'n
Both add new things to do or places to visit.
Agreed! I am hoping for maybe like in City Folk you visit the city. That would be great! Brewster hopefully should arrive soon.SAME, and sense we all have docks i hope in the future they'll be an update with Kapp'n and his family but idk if they'll ever ad Brewster -_-
ya sense their original rolls are already filed, they should bring them back as like a Parents Day event or somethingI miss Chip and Nat. We have CJ and Flick as a replacement but I find their personalities kind of annoying.
yes he already needed more dialogue in the games he was in, but in acnh he's completely gone there's not even any references to him like there is with Resetti.I miss Don Resetti...
i hope thay in an update thay ad Roost in like a major update a year after sum time the like did with pocket cam; but as for Pelly, Phyllis and Pete i really miss them idk how they could come back but i hope thay doBrewster is the npc I miss the most, really hope him and The Roost will turn up in an update at some point.
Also miss Pelly, Phyllis and Pete, they were such big parts of the older games and a lot of my early memories of first playing WW are off interacting with them, its a shame that they're unlikely to make an appearance in NH.
Digby is adorable idk how they'd him maybe a extra amiibo functionality? and i hope thay ad Brewsters Cafe what if they put him in the museum thata Be great too. and Katrina could have her tent in the plaza, idk how they'd add Gracie but i hope she comes back.Digby because he's super cute. But I also want Brewster, Katrina and Gracie.