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Favorite Planet In Our Solar System?


  • Earth

  • Mars

  • Uranus

  • Jupiter

  • Venus

  • Mercury

  • Saturn

  • Neptune

  • Pluto

Results are only viewable after voting.
May 28, 2021
Sautéed Mushrooms
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Father's Day Carnation
June Birthstone (Pearl)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Spring Sakura
White Hyacinth
Feel free to use your own reasoning. (aesthetic, which one you would like to visit, etc). I included Pluto as an honorable mention. Vote for more than one if you would like.

I like Saturn. Those rings are cool.

Neptune is cool too. It's basically a giant ice/water planet.

Screenshot 2024-09-28 12.15.09 PM.png
While Pluto technically isn’t a planet anymore, it’s still my favorite. I like underdogs and it’s interesting how different it is to Earth. Its orbit is 248 Earth years, it’s one of the coldest places in the solar system, and its moon is around half its size, making it the largest moon relative to what it orbits.
I went with Saturn cause of its rings but Pluto will always have a special place in my heart.
I don’t know if it’s my favorite, but my friend got a great shirt for her son that says “Pluto. It’s complicated.” And I love that:)
I voted for Neptune. I think it's the most beautiful planet, love the name, and love that it's mostly made up of ice/water. 💙

Honorable mention goes to Pluto, which was my favorite planet as a child. Little guy's just out there doing its thing. You do you, Pluto.
I know Pluto isn't considered a planet anymore, but I decided to vote it anyway. I also voted Earth because I guess I am boring.
Voted for Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto - Jupiter is probably my main vote as I’ve always found the scale of it fascinating, from its massive size and crazy atmosphere (storm bigger then earth that has raged for over 100 years just seems wild to me) to fascinating auroras and many moons (my NH island Callisto is actually named after one of its moons), feel like there’s always something interesting you can learn about Jupiter.

I’ve always found Neptune one of the coolest looking planets and it probably has my favourite name out of them all and also find it interesting to learn about, can’t imagine living somewhere (if Neptune was a lot closer and actually habitable 😂) that takes 160-odd earth years to orbit the sun and has seasons around 40 years long while battling the awful winds around it.

Pluto got my final vote cause it’s just trying its hardest and I felt bad it got demoted, justice for Pluto!
Uranus is my favorite. I've always found it very interesting and mysterious (such as the light green hue it has).
I like Neptune so much that when I was assigned Neptune for the class planet project and my crush asked me to trade, I said no 😶
They would all be cool to "visit" if it was possible but no way any of those are even close to as interesting as Earth itself.
Since childhood, Saturn has always been my favorite non-Earth planet within our solar system due to its prominent rings.
They would all be cool to "visit" if it was possible but no way any of those are even close to as interesting as Earth itself.

Yeah, probably not.

Although the spectacle of taking a ship around them would be a special experience. That's what I was envisioning in my head when I thought up the question.

Obviously, we don't have the technology. It's just a fantasy scenario.

...also, poor mercury. no votes yet.
Neptune is really neat. It's cold and blue, but distinct patterns to it like Jupiter and Saturn. The gaseous patterns on the gas giants are quite a sight to see. Seriously, if you haven't looked up the south pole shot of Jupiter you should. It looks like art, even though it is natural.
Neptune and Uranus have pretty colors. Mars is cool too, a bit Mad Max. Earth is a really pretty planet but there are too many crazy people.
i always liked saturn. i think the rings are cool and love that it has a ridiculous number of moons.
I like neptune due to how nice the colors are! and it even has a subtle ring. I know the real colors are probably not blue but whatever the scientists are putting out there is so nice and soft and gorgeous 🤩 🥰
i used to like pluto but that was out of sympathy cause i always used to be the shortest in class. now i say saturn cause its impressive w its rings and size + it has all the cool moons in the solar system :cool:🪐