🍀 best of buddies 🌸
My favorites are Jupiter and Saturn because they...are...MASSIVE 
it's scary just how huge Jupiter is, but also really captivating. 1300 Earths could fit inside it. Talk about gassy lol
When I think about the planets, I always recall that one video I watched about the different ways we would die on each planet. I laughed pretty hard at Jupiter's, and Mercury and Neptune were pretty painful
I really like the MK7 Rainbow Road because you race around the planets, and at one point you go around Saturn's rings.

When I think about the planets, I always recall that one video I watched about the different ways we would die on each planet. I laughed pretty hard at Jupiter's, and Mercury and Neptune were pretty painful

I really like the MK7 Rainbow Road because you race around the planets, and at one point you go around Saturn's rings.