Here's a list in no particular order.
gamora (Cappa) - You're... Just... Fabulous. Too bad you suck at getting revenge.
Flop - Greatest brother I never had. Always a good person to talk to.
Harry (AKA VillageDweller) - One of the sweetest people I've met on TBT. Great to talk to!
Flake - I like talking to you.
Tina - Tea-lady Tina.
Annie (AKA Epona) - You were there when I going through a rough patch and needed someone to talk to.
Lauren - Super nice and got me into Sims 2, heh.
Alice - Thank you for being in the IRC!!!!! Please notice me, senpai.
BubbleRadius - You don't come on much now, but your someone I could chat for hours with.
Niamh - Keep forgetting what you changed your username to. Very nice person.
ZR388 - We haven't spoken that much, but you always listen. You may not think it, but I think you're a really nice person.
Wataru - It's nice to receive your VMs! Nice person to talk to.
KarlaKGB -Why're you on here?Believe it or not, you're actually a lot of fun to bicker with.
Kaiaa - Insanely nice.
Klinkguin - It's been a while, but I haven't forgotten you!!
Ashtot - Kinder than he may think.
C a l l a w a y - Calla, you're awesome. #petexpert
debinoresu - I still remember when we shared spooky stories with each other. ;o Great person to talk to.
Noofle - Love talking to you. It's been a while though.
Nkosazana - Afro legend.
Natty - Fabulous!!
Shiny - Why'd you leave me?
Lynn - Very kind.
Superpenguin - King of birds
Javo - I'm sorry I gave you a seizure! Even though I didn't.
Thunder - Hilarious just about sums it up.
Solar - Nice person alert!
tsundere - You pass as fabulous~
Elise - Eats too late at night/early in the morning. You're great!!!
Brad - Brad. Doctor Brad.
Pally/Princess - You're a princess. <3
staticistic1114 - Miss you!
- - - Post Merge - - -
hi okay so im going to make a new list bcus yay![]()
tht was long sorryYui Z - You're one of the nicest members here nd strawberries ya
Niamb/Baa - you me baa ilu
Elise/Alise/Makkine/Elize/Ghost/ - yer a noob !!!! xPppPpPpPPPp
Tsundere/Bestie - bestie for life!! =DDDD
Javocado - you're the cool uncle 8)
Mahousojojo - hella rad, hella funny, hella emotional
Lynnypie - ur a cool cannibal!!
Villageinthedweller - one of the funniest ppl i know nd i love u..
Natty- haccker tbh
Aerious - ur like a big sis
Nage - wife
C r y s t a l - stop killing me in irc maf pls k thx
C a l l a w a y - you're so kind like a mum (idk) :}
F l a k e - kirby
Fuzzles/Fuzzling - ur so adorbs ilu
Fabori - An satan
Flop - who even r u again
Geoni/Dad/Moron - my personal punching bag in pokemon
Locker - ur old..
Jawile - husbando
Netflix - i miss u..:{{{{{{{
Skep - me waifu
Prin - i love talking to you :}
Sparkanine - a really good friend nd like u reply asap 6)
Redlatios - ew nerd tbH!!!!
Vaati - #1 irc bud
Superpenguin - me bby
TinyTaylor - Bae
Stitch - bigger bae
Annie/epona- we don't talk to each other much but you're so sweet nd kind
Stephoarao - the queen of kewl~!!!!!111
ShinySandwich - i'll miss u forever husband
:') pt. 2