Favorite TBT members?

Iris/Gamora/Cap/Baa Baa, I love u. I always speak to you and u make me laugh constantly! xx
Elise/Alise I know u don't rly care about me but ily
Tina She always seems to guide me in the right way (idk what I'm saying maybe I'm drunk)
Mari My mummy. Really cute and has a cool 12.5 yr old baby (o wait Thts me)
Flake My bae we always chat when we can :} <333 REMEMBER UR SKYPE PASSWORD U
Gandalf/Bendalf You help me with my maths homework sometimes so I like you.
Yui Z Really nice and cute and I want to be as kind as her but I'm just too mean :{
Harry/VillageDweller Rly nice and said rip to me in irc mafia so I guess that's good (?)
Jake/Bidoof A rly cool person to chat to even if the chat is just in ?'s
Tom ur my senpai idk I think ur cool we seem to be polite near each other
Nick/Superpenguin A rly cool guy I like u my maf buddie.
Natty Amazing friend we always will chat in Vms we have same sense of humour (apparently dry but idk) ur cool
Marie, My sissy, best friend and top cowboy (ur from the west, get it?)
ShinySandwich/Shiny ily and miss u rip in pie
Tsundere idk ur cool
Brad Liar
Jav idk ur cool (?)
Cory lol

Idk I've probs missed someone Soz ily all tbh these are just special mentions

added someone ;}
These are people that I really enjoy talking to and hanging out with.

Kuma - I like talking to you and I wish I was there.
Phil - You're just a really cool dude and it's nice playing LoL with you.
Chris - I miss you being here.
Aiden - Dingus.
Tina - You're strong and you're awesome.
Trent - We really haven't talked that much but I think you're cool we should play some TF2 or PTCGO sometime.
Han - You are legit. Thanks for coming back, and gracing us with your presence once again.
Zara - Thanks for playing League with me and hanging out with me, it's always fun. Also I'm naming my daughter after you so you should be honoured.
Alice - Thanks for talking to me and being forgiving. You mean more than you know.
Andrew - I think a lot that you do goes unnoticed and I think you're pretty awesome.
Lauren - The best unicorn.
Mari - Filipino op.
Kayla - My valentine.
Jamie - The times we've actually chatted have been nice.
Pally - Will probably meet you IRL next year.
Zoey - You're just really cool and you're nice to talk with.
Elise - My Hazubendo.
Annie - My little sister (lel). You're really awesome I hope you're doing okay!
Mahou - 2swag.
Harry - For not hating me. <3
Nick - For making Mafia... Interesting.

listen punk im older than u

- - - Post Merge - - -

ok thank you to everyone who put me on theirs i love you all too and these are really sweet, i wanna make an updated list soon but i dont have time right now but thanks everyone!!!
I've been on here for over a year, yet I don't know many people, nor do they know me; I was inactive in the beginning. Plus, my closet friends on this forum don't visit this thread (that I know of).

I love everyone here, though! I would make a list but I don't want to exclude anyone.
I don't have a favorite TBT member list because everyone here is terrific.

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why was i demoted!!!!???

Oops. I forgot about you completely.

Cool Kids Club: Part Deux(You can't sit with us)

Jav/Javocado - Bae you so fine, I wanna give you 16 Germans... in my bed ;)
Harry/VillageDweller - You big harry(cwutididthur) mofo. Snap me more pics of you eating Snickers candy bars, yo.
Bendalf/Gandalf - Swiggity swooty, August Gloop is coming for that booty.
Shony/Shiny/ShinySandwich - RIP(Rest in pernus)
Horus - dad pls
Zeiro/Reizo - Son, I am disappoint.
Phil/CookingMama/CookingOkasan - S A D B O I S 4 L Y F :')
Thunder/RaisinBran - Your puns are bad and you should feel bad. jk
Alice - Thanks for the 1 bell <3
Mari - My favoritest potato.
Minties - Kissties 5 evr :}

There. I replaced Cory with you :lemon:
Okay fine I'll make a short list:

Aerious - first friend here, always a joy to talk to.
tsundere - a really smart young person, also always enjoyable to talk to
Capella/Pom/gamora - favorite pokemon showdown training dummy
Reizo/Zeiro - You're a cool guy from the conversations we've had
Lauren - I'm older than you!
Mahou - you're on the list because...april fools we're not friends! jkjk
Superpenguin - One of the few people who make tbt mafia fun to play

If you're not on this list ilu anyways and am sorry.

im so surprised im on ur list and so happy omg
Well, here we go. 8000th post. It's been a long road.

FoxWolf64 - Be careful of electrical outlets on walls of cafeterias. ;)
The original DV crew + Jawile/Anyone who actively RPed in tA 1/2: The former, my god, I gotta thank you guys for four months of a great time. The middle, you weren't in DV1, you only made references to the S.S. Feindra (i.e. The one in the military)
Flop - Extremely generous guy. Can't thank him enough for the good laughs too.
Tina - Best. Mod. Ever. (Sowwy to the other mods, don't ban me please)
Farobi/ITYW - Pretty nice people, don't know you guys all too well but it's all good in the end hahaha
Anyone who I've played MK Monday with (Natty, F L a K e, alise/Makkine, etc.) - Good times, good times

If I missed out on someone, I'll figure it out myself. :p I don't consider myself a regular IRC goer, hence why I have excluded a few names.
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Well, here we go. 8000th post. It's been a long road.

FoxWolf64 - Be careful of electrical outlets on walls of cafeterias. ;)
The original DV crew + Jawile/Anyone who actively RPed in tA 1/2: The former, my god, I gotta thank you guys for four months of a great time. The middle, you weren't in DV1, you only made references to the S.S. Feindra (i.e. The one in the military)
Flop - Extremely generous guy. Can't thank him enough for the good laughs too.
Tina - Best. Mod. Ever. (Sowwy to the other mods, don't ban me please)
Farobi/ITYW - Pretty nice people, don't know you guys all too well but it's all good in the end hahaha
Anyone who I've played MK Monday with (Natty, F L a K e, alise/Makkine, etc.) - Good times, good times

If I missed out on someone, I'll figure it out myself. :p

SakuraPrimrose- always helping me out, with everyything!!
Mr. FOX- my bae. love you honey bun <333
Jlee942384983904- Random numbers, first person to let me sell turnips, jumpstarted my career
Libra- sweetest lady ever!!! such an awesome person
Zoraluv- She's super sweet, always helping out, and all around fun person. Hope mom's bday was off the chain
New list!
Voltz09- My venting buddy! I try to help him with certain things and he does the same for me. we share a lot of interests and (I think) we get along really well on here :D He is like a virtual brother!
RJtheACPlayer- So we share a shop and a bunch of interests. We get along pretty well, and never cease to have a good conversation
Gregriii- So you are pretty cool! You also share most of my interests and are a genuine guy.
WonderK- You make some really amazing GFX my friend! (The next applies to Beary, lynn105, Shirohibiki, Stepheroo, and Sparkanine as well, as they are all on my list for this reason) And we have some hlarious conversations in your gallery XD
rimu and dolcet- We have had some really cool conversations and DANGANRONPA MAYUN
xaraura- You helped me out a lot when I was a newbie to this forum with ACNL stuff :D You have always been extremely nice to me and are constantly making me smile with your kindness
Axeler137- Your Overworlds/GFX/Userbars are truly amazing! You have always been so patient with me with requests :D Thanks for being so awesome, kind, and patient!
Kairi-Kitten- Our friendship blossomed when I requested GFX from your shop lol. We started talking and really kinda clicked when it came to our personalities. You have helped me out quite a few times with certain things! Thanks so much!
Miharu- You have been so kind to me. You helped me out with my GFX(probably a lil rusty because I havent worked on em in a while XD) a lot and have basically been my mentor with that :D It made me feel all warm inside that someone was so willing to help me! Thanks for everything!
Kazunari- We have some really great conversations and share a ton of interests! I really enjoy VMing with you just about life and its fun and crap XD
Droogie- Same deal as Kazunari. I know I have had a fair share of laughs from our conversations XD Hope college is going well!
Zane- your artwork is amazing and i love it!
New list!
Voltz09- My venting buddy! I try to help him with certain things and he does the same for me. we share a lot of interests and (I think) we get along really well on here :D He is like a virtual brother!
RJtheACPlayer- So we share a shop and a bunch of interests. We get along pretty well, and never cease to have a good conversation
Gregriii- So you are pretty cool! You also share most of my interests and are a genuine guy.
WonderK- You make some really amazing GFX my friend! (The next applies to Beary, lynn105, Shirohibiki, Stepheroo, and Sparkanine as well, as they are all on my list for this reason) And we have some hlarious conversations in your gallery XD
rimu and dolcet- We have had some really cool conversations and DANGANRONPA MAYUN
xaraura- You helped me out a lot when I was a newbie to this forum with ACNL stuff :D You have always been extremely nice to me and are constantly making me smile with your kindness
Axeler137- Your Overworlds/GFX/Userbars are truly amazing! You have always been so patient with me with requests :D Thanks for being so awesome, kind, and patient!
Kairi-Kitten- Our friendship blossomed when I requested GFX from your shop lol. We started talking and really kinda clicked when it came to our personalities. You have helped me out quite a few times with certain things! Thanks so much!
Miharu- You have been so kind to me. You helped me out with my GFX(probably a lil rusty because I havent worked on em in a while XD) a lot and have basically been my mentor with that :D It made me feel all warm inside that someone was so willing to help me! Thanks for everything!
Kazunari- We have some really great conversations and share a ton of interests! I really enjoy VMing with you just about life and its fun and crap XD
Droogie- Same deal as Kazunari. I know I have had a fair share of laughs from our conversations XD Hope college is going well!
Zane- your artwork is amazing and i love it!
Just want to add three special peeps to my list:
Axeler137: Such a cool guy to talk to! Really awesome GFX too :3
Kazunari: You're epic and I love talking to you <3
Mahou: Mahoohoo ur my first, my last and my everything.
New list!
Voltz09- My venting buddy! I try to help him with certain things and he does the same for me. we share a lot of interests and (I think) we get along really well on here :D He is like a virtual brother!
RJtheACPlayer- So we share a shop and a bunch of interests. We get along pretty well, and never cease to have a good conversation
Gregriii- So you are pretty cool! You also share most of my interests and are a genuine guy.
WonderK- You make some really amazing GFX my friend! (The next applies to Beary, lynn105, Shirohibiki, Stepheroo, and Sparkanine as well, as they are all on my list for this reason) And we have some hlarious conversations in your gallery XD
rimu and dolcet- We have had some really cool conversations and DANGANRONPA MAYUN
xaraura- You helped me out a lot when I was a newbie to this forum with ACNL stuff :D You have always been extremely nice to me and are constantly making me smile with your kindness
Axeler137- Your Overworlds/GFX/Userbars are truly amazing! You have always been so patient with me with requests :D Thanks for being so awesome, kind, and patient!
Kairi-Kitten- Our friendship blossomed when I requested GFX from your shop lol. We started talking and really kinda clicked when it came to our personalities. You have helped me out quite a few times with certain things! Thanks so much!
Miharu- You have been so kind to me. You helped me out with my GFX(probably a lil rusty because I havent worked on em in a while XD) a lot and have basically been my mentor with that :D It made me feel all warm inside that someone was so willing to help me! Thanks for everything!
Kazunari- We have some really great conversations and share a ton of interests! I really enjoy VMing with you just about life and its fun and crap XD
Droogie- Same deal as Kazunari. I know I have had a fair share of laughs from our conversations XD Hope college is going well!
Zane- your artwork is amazing and i love it!

u is cool ;3
Tina, Bendalf, Monroe, VillageDweller, Karla, Ashtot, Tom, River, Cory, The Triple Js, Thunder, and Kuma!

These are people that I really enjoy talking to and hanging out with.

Kuma - I like talking to you and I wish I was there.
Phil - You're just a really cool dude and it's nice playing LoL with you.
Chris - I miss you being here.
Aiden - Dingus.
Tina - You're strong and you're awesome.
Trent - We really haven't talked that much but I think you're cool we should play some TF2 or PTCGO sometime.
Han - You are legit. Thanks for coming back, and gracing us with your presence once again.
Zara - Thanks for playing League with me and hanging out with me, it's always fun. Also I'm naming my daughter after you so you should be honoured.
Alice - Thanks for talking to me and being forgiving. You mean more than you know.
Andrew - I think a lot that you do goes unnoticed and I think you're pretty awesome.
Lauren - The best unicorn.
Mari - Filipino op.
Kayla - My valentine.
Jamie - The times we've actually chatted have been nice.
Pally - Will probably meet you IRL next year.
Zoey - You're just really cool and you're nice to talk with.
Elise - My Hazubendo.
Annie - My little sister (lel). You're really awesome I hope you're doing okay!
Mahou - 2swag.
Harry - For not hating me. <3
Nick - For making Mafia... Interesting.
Truffle come back.

wowie zowie i keep forgetting people!!! please tell me if i forgot u
justice ~ they h8 me but i love them <3
mari ~ cute potato
harry ~ bae
natty ~ what a btch
horus ~ <Horus> how did i get on elises list
cory ~ i'm pretty sure he's luigi....
tina ~ i stopped picking on your husband becaues i love you! =)
jubs ~ i'll keep dreaming ^_^
alice ~ cutiepie
minties ~ shes rich
flakob ~ annoying
crystal ~ no
mahou ~ no
cap ~ annoying 5 year old
ally ~ every pokemon i name dies?? what
brandon//thunder ~ um
tom ~ go to bed "c:"
blueleaf ~ "lel"
bellgreen ~ :lemon:
lauren ~ wow shes reallycute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lynn ~ my valentini :')
beary ~ !!!! my first bff
jawile ~ i h8 u
blu rose//nathan ~ <33333333333
ben ~ annie's bf
annie ~ ben's gf
benny boo number 2 ~ i secretly like you
jav ~ i hate him
brad ~ i hate him
pally ~ actual princess mod pally
nick ~ "-~-"
oath ~ wow i cant believe hes gay!!!!!!
~ ~ ~ ~
shiny ~ i miss u
kayla ~ u liked my jokes come back </3