Iris/Gamora/Cap/Baa Baa, I love u. I always speak to you and u make me laugh constantly! xx
Elise/Alise I know u don't rly care about me but ily
Tina She always seems to guide me in the right way (idk what I'm saying maybe I'm drunk)
Mari My mummy. Really cute and has a cool 12.5 yr old baby (o wait Thts me)
Flake My bae we always chat when we can :} <333 REMEMBER UR SKYPE PASSWORD U
Gandalf/Bendalf You help me with my maths homework sometimes so I like you.
Yui Z Really nice and cute and I want to be as kind as her but I'm just too mean :{
Harry/VillageDweller Rly nice and said rip to me in irc mafia so I guess that's good (?)
Jake/Bidoof A rly cool person to chat to even if the chat is just in ?'s
Tom ur my senpai idk I think ur cool we seem to be polite near each other
Nick/Superpenguin A rly cool guy I like u my maf buddie.
Natty Amazing friend we always will chat in Vms we have same sense of humour (apparently dry but idk) ur cool
Marie, My sissy, best friend and top cowboy (ur from the west, get it?)
ShinySandwich/Shiny ily and miss u rip in pie
Tsundere idk ur cool
Brad Liar
Jav idk ur cool (?)
Cory lol
Idk I've probs missed someone Soz ily all tbh these are just special mentions
added someone ;}