Can we protest?
I shall join you
Can we protest?
yah.Can we protest?
hi okay so im going to make a new list bcus yay![]()
tht was long sorryYui Z - You're one of the nicest members here nd strawberries ya
Niamb/Baa - you me baa ilu
Elise/Alise/Makkine/Elize/Ghost/ - yer a noob !!!! xPppPpPpPPPp
Tsundere/Bestie - bestie for life!! =DDDD
Javocado - you're the cool uncle 8)
Mahousojojo - hella rad, hella funny, hella emotional
Lynnypie - ur a cool cannibal!!
Villageinthedweller - one of the funniest ppl i know nd i love u..
Natty- haccker tbh
Aerious - ur like a big sis
Nage - wife
C r y s t a l - stop killing me in irc maf pls k thx
C a l l a w a y - you're so kind like a mum (idk) :}
F l a k e - kirby
Fuzzles/Fuzzling - ur so adorbs ilu
Fabori - An satan
Flop - who even r u again
Geoni/Dad/Moron - my personal punching bag in pokemon
Locker - ur old..
Jawile - husbando
Netflix - i miss u..:{{{{{{{
Skep - me waifu
Prin - i love talking to you :}
Sparkanine - a really good friend nd like u reply asap 6)
Redlatios - ew nerd tbH!!!!
Vaati - #1 irc bud
Superpenguin - me bby
TinyTaylor - Bae
Stitch - bigger bae
Annie/epona- we don't talk to each other much but you're so sweet nd kind
Stephoarao - the queen of kewl~!!!!!111
ShinySandwich - i'll miss u forever husband
i brought breaded to tbt why am i not on hereWow. WOW. **** you guys too.
Just kidding
Cool Kids Club: Part Deux(You can't sit with us)
Jav/Javocado - Bae you so fine, I wanna give you 16 Germans... in my bed
Harry/VillageDweller - You big harry(cwutididthur) mofo. Snap me more pics of you eating Snickers candy bars, yo.
Bendalf/Gandalf - Swiggity swooty, August Gloop is coming for that booty.
Shony/Shiny/ShinySandwich - RIP(Rest in pernus)
Horus - dad pls
Zeiro/Reizo - Son, I am disappoint.
Phil/CookingMama/CookingOkasan - S A D B O I S 4 L Y F :')
Thunder/RaisinBran - Your puns are bad and you should feel bad. jk
Alice - Thanks for the 1 bell <3
Cory - I'm only still married to you because we have a child together.
Minties - Kissties 5 evr :}
#breaded </3
i brought breaded to tbt why am i not on here
Because you made Shiny leave.
no he was going to quit on the 22nd but i made him leave on my bday!!!!
Iris/Gamora/Cap/Baa Baa, I love u. I always speak to you and u make me laugh constantly! xx
Elise/Alise I know u don't rly care about me but ily
Tina She always seems to guide me in the right way (idk what I'm saying maybe I'm drunk)
Mari My mummy. Really cute and has a cool 12.5 yr old baby (o wait Thts me)
Flake My bae we always chat when we can :} <333 REMEMBER UR SKYPE PASSWORD U
Gandalf/Bendalf You help me with my maths homework sometimes so I like you.
Yui Z Really nice and cute and I want to be as kind as her but I'm just too mean :{
Harry/VillageDweller Rly nice and said rip to me in irc mafia so I guess that's good (?)
Jake/Bidoof A rly cool person to chat to even if the chat is just in ?'s
Tom ur my senpai idk I think ur cool we seem to be polite near each other
Nick/Superpenguin A rly cool guy I like u my maf buddie.
Natty Amazing friend we always will chat in Vms we have same sense of humour (apparently dry but idk) ur cool
Marie, My sissy, best friend and top cowboy (ur from the west, get it?)
ShinySandwich/Shiny ily and miss u rip in pie
Tsundere idk ur cool
Brad Liar
Jav idk ur cool (?)
Idk I've probs missed someone Soz ily all tbh these are just special mentions
Ok my list, I genuinely love every one of you on here:
Mahou - My sweet sweet friend, ily so so much and I honestly hope we talk for much much longer
VillageDweller - Harry I literally have told you things I've told no one else. Thanks for always being here to cheer me up and you'll always be one of my go-to people!
Sparkanine - It's so funny how fast of friends we've become. I already feel so close to you and I hope you know you can come to me for anything. Also co-conductor of TBT Hype Train!!!
Javocado - Man can we hype over stuff or what? Seeing you in the IRC is always a pleasure and I hope we become closer friends!! ((DUCK HUNT DOG))
Natty - Ok one of my first real bffs on tbt. Mario Kart hype was the best with you! You are insanely kind and I know that I can talk to you about anything. I love seeing you in IRC and I can't wait for out friendship to grow :3
Kaiaa - Ok how can you fit so much kindness in one person?? You have helped me through my toughest times and I can't thank you enough for it.
Lauren - Wife!!! You're so nice and snapchatting with you has been a blast haha. You're always hilarious in the IRC and not to mention super pretty too!!
Prof Gallows - Smash hype????? But in all honesty you are one of the best mods on here. I hope that we can talk more because I think we could be awesome friends!!
Alice - I know we haven't talked very much but honestly you seem like one of the most amazing people around here. You're funny and kind and just an overall amazing person. I hope we get to talk more in the future!!
Tina - I really love having conversations with you and I honestly hope you divorce Jubs soon because you deserve better.
Bendalf - Dude why haven't we talked recently?? The Ben Tree needs to happen soon!! Jokes aside you're an awesome guy and I'm lucky to have gotten to know you better!!
epona/Annie - I love you so much. Like actually I would do almost anything for you. You're an amazing person and I wish you all the best in life.
elise- - I secretly like you ok.
gamora/Cap - You can always make me laugh irc convos are the best.
Thunder - Senpai notice me plzzzzz
justice/tsundere - You know I will always love you no matter what. You are an amazing person with a unique personality that deserves so much.
Mari - How are you so nice?? please be one of my bffs like you're too perfect.
Yui-Z - You're so so so nice and you seem so cool and I really want to be better friends with you!!!
Brad - You're too cool and I'm JEALOUS
well um heres a new list!! i guess
brandon / thunder ~ my jokes r better than urs
ally ~ stop killing the pokemon i name
gallows ~ r u bff
mari ~ sweet potato
tsundere ~ my waifu even tho they hate me..i..cri..
harry ~ who's this loser {<333}
tom ~ go to bed
tina ~ even tho i love ur husband i love u more than him
jubs ~ even tho i love ur wife i love u more than her
cap ~ super annoying noob
minties ~ she drowns me in money $$$$$
mari ~ sweet potato
annie / epona ~ ben's gf
ben ~ annie's bf
benny boo number 2 ~ i secretly like u
jav ~ i hate him
brad ~ i hate him
horus ~ borny
pally ~ actual princess mod pally
cory ~ probably plays cod and checks out sweet babes {that belong to me}
nick ~ penguin -~-
blueleaf ~ "lel"
bellgreen ~ my waifu even tho..he ignores me...cri.........s...e.
lauren ~ niggles offends me
lynn ~ the lmaonade 2 my roflcopters
beary ~ my old frend i miss u bae
jawile ~ i hate him
blu rose / nathan ~ i love u!!
alice ~ sweetiepie
shiny ~ miss u
kayla ~ u liked my jokes :}
and mari ooops :<
Wow. WOW. **** you guys too.
Just kidding
Cool Kids Club: Part Deux(You can't sit with us)
Jav/Javocado - Bae you so fine, I wanna give you 16 Germans... in my bed
Harry/VillageDweller - You big harry(cwutididthur) mofo. Snap me more pics of you eating Snickers candy bars, yo.
Bendalf/Gandalf - Swiggity swooty, August Gloop is coming for that booty.
Shony/Shiny/ShinySandwich - RIP(Rest in pernus)
Horus - dad pls
Zeiro/Reizo - Son, I am disappoint.
Phil/CookingMama/CookingOkasan - S A D B O I S 4 L Y F :')
Thunder/RaisinBran - Your puns are bad and you should feel bad. jk
Alice - Thanks for the 1 bell <3
Cory - I'm only still married to you because we have a child together.
Minties - Kissties 5 evr :}
#breaded </3
Wow. WOW. **** you guys too.
Just kidding
Cool Kids Club: Part Deux(You can't sit with us)
Jav/Javocado - Bae you so fine, I wanna give you 16 Germans... in my bed
Harry/VillageDweller - You big harry(cwutididthur) mofo. Snap me more pics of you eating Snickers candy bars, yo.
Bendalf/Gandalf - Swiggity swooty, August Gloop is coming for that booty.
Shony/Shiny/ShinySandwich - RIP(Rest in pernus)
Horus - dad pls
Zeiro/Reizo - Son, I am disappoint.
Phil/CookingMama/CookingOkasan - S A D B O I S 4 L Y F :')
Thunder/RaisinBran - Your puns are bad and you should feel bad. jk
Alice - Thanks for the 1 bell <3
Cory - I'm only still married to you because we have a child together.
Minties - Kissties 5 evr :}
#breaded </3
My tiny list of faves:
yeah that's it. I don't really have friends here, but you guys are all relatively nice usually and yeaMephisto Pheles - we got to talk and you're really cool!! i hope we can talk some more sometime i have like no friends on here
Cadberry - you run that giant art request thread. props to you for keeping up with all that, like wow. and never 4get Bed Battle 2k14
Chaotix - Bed Battle 2k14. also hopefully we'll get to skype sometime cuz you're chill
Shirohibiki - I love watching you stream and also you encourage me to art which I appreciate a whole lot p_p
WonderK - okay so we've never talked really, but I've requested from you and I kinda stalk your thread but I just never post bc I'm a nervous dork. Any, your GFX are fab, keep on truckin'