Splatoon Favorite thing about the Splatoon series?


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Jan 25, 2020
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Yellow Candy
For me, it's the amazing community. I've never joined a more welcoming, wholesome, and nice community before. You all make my day C:
(okay if that doesn't count, i'll just say the deep lore and how cool it is, in my opinion)
It's just generally fun!
It's not ridiculously serious like your average FPS (looking at you, COD), and yet isn't ridiculously silly either. It reminds me of back when I used to pay Ratchet and Clank back on the PS2; being third-person, having interesting weapons and gadgets, and not to mention having colorful and lovable characters.
I can play this without feeling a ton of needless pressure. Granted, it can be verystressful if you and your team are suddenly swept away, or if you find yourself having to clean up a mess, but at the same time, it just has an enjoyable, laid-back-yet-hyped air to it that you can genuinely have fun with (especially when the players aren't as toxic as the playerbases of other franchises). It is, as they say in Inkopolis, "Shella Fresh" (yes, I know, that was bad XD )
It's fun! Like considered how bad matchmaking is when you get to ranked and you lose so much for losing a game I'm doing it for fun and collecting nice gear. Reminds me a bit of TF2 but less annoying.

In this game Spongebob works.

F is for friends that do stuff together

U is for yoU and meeeeeee

N is for aNywhere at aNytime at all ( the point of the switch lol )

Down here in the deep blue seeeea
I didn't get into 3D modeling // texturing until very recently, but I really do like some of the models in the game!

They aren't incredibly complex designs but they're memorable and rather charming! I really like how the inklings have these boxy hands that are common for online shooter games these days. They're very cute. ^v^
Splatoon community is way calm (sometimes it's annoying and frustrating playing Turf, Rank, and Salmon)
You can play with friends in Turf War, League Battle,Private Battle,and Salmon Run
You can enjoy splatting people from all over the country in this beautiful Earth
You can enjoy winning on Rank Battles
You can enjoy splatting salmonids in Salmon Run
You can enjoy playing those miraculous stage in Octo Valley
You can enjoy playing those cool stage in Octo Canyon
You can enjoy those crappy and crazy stations in Deepsea Metro Station (DLC Octo Expansion)
And maybe enjoy finding out those glitches in every stage with friends •~•
And that's why I love splatoon community 💞
The character designs, obviously I love squids and cute characters, so the game wasn't too much of a stretch.
I honestly just love how unique the game is in terms of both gameplay and aesthetic. Nintendo really nailed it. The online matches are free from toxicity too. Everyone saying "Booyah!" at the beginning is a nice morale boost! Splatoon 2 took me longer to warm up to because there were so many things that needed improved on when it first launched which they have done a lot.
My favourite thing about the series is the Salmon Run game mode!! It’s what keeps me coming back to Splatoon and I‘m surprised I’m still not bored with it after all this time. I like the SR community as well and it’s really fun running into regular players during Freelance and also making teams with other players.