favorite things about yourself?

Liquid Ocelot

dead + tired
Apr 21, 2014
I feel like people don't praise themselves enough. Whether it's something physical, mental, emotional, or just something nice or cool that you did today, I want you to put it here, and give yourself a good pat on the back. Even if it's something as little as "My hair looks pretty good today." or "I give really good hugs."

And saying there's nothing good about yourself is total bull****, and not what this sort of thing is about- so try to avoid putting yourself down for now, okay? If you can't think of something you like right now, come back later when you feel better.

One of my favorite things about me is- I really like the way my tattoo sits on my back- the placement really is perfect.

Your turn.
i love my eyes for some reason..
i guess i have nice hair, slender hands and nails... and i guess i am pretty gifted

i don't like boasting D :

pls do not do the thing i expressly told you not to do.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Boasting and being happy with yourself are different, I think.

pls i said something that i favourited about miself
Hm, it's easier for me to say what I don't like then what I do like. And it's not because I have more things that I hate, quite the opposite, it's because I love myself as is with the exception of some flaws.
But if I have to name some qualities, I'd say:
♥Personality traits like
♥I'm also quite a logical person
~That's all I can come up with right now.

Now for the things I hate:
being afraid to look/seem weak. I know it goes deeper than just "pride", but I still hate that someone else's actions have caused me to feel this way. I'm trying to work on that though :/
opinionated, sometimes I'll feel strongly about a subject and come off as rude
too nice, sometimes I forget about how bad humans can be and get taken advantage of
my feet :( they're small and chubby
too loving, I love too much sometimes. I don't usually let people in, but when I do, I really really do.
the stretch marks on my thighs. Though granted they're small and barely visible now, they'll always be there. I got them when I was 10, I hit puberty too early and grew too fast. I've grown to accept them as a part of me, but that doesn't mean I've gotta like them >.>
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I can be deeply caring. People are really surprised when I can go from quiet and seemingly distant to warmly loving as soon as need be.
I'm happy with my height and I'm glad that it's pretty easy for me to maintain a constant weight I guess lol thanks mom for the good metabolism

personality wise, I think I'm pretty easy going?? I tend not to hold grudges or let petty issues get between my friendships
I like that I'm fully aware there's nothing good or positive about me and that I don't try and put on a facade that's fake and "love myself" because "I should" because "it will make me feel better" like people tell me.
I have absolutely tiny hands, I'm taller than all my friends (by quite some way) but still my hands are a lot smaller than all of them. But for me it's great (although I think it probably does make it hard to play certain instruments) when there are only a few Pringles left in the can I can just grab them but my friends have to turn the can around and hope they don't lose any or break them which they manage to do a lot.
My imagination, the fact that I'm tolerant and open minded, and my curiosity are facets of my personality that I like.
Haha nothing.

Ok just kidding. I kinda like how I can cheer my friends up easily when theyre sad sometimes? It's not guaranteed but it happens a lot. I hate seeing my friends cry or be sad.
My hair(I can't help it) and my own personality. I get along well with most people and am open to new ideas. I also have a bunch of knowledge that are mostly useless but interesting to know or bring up. I can also see situations from an outsider's point of view so I guess that's great too.
Erm, idk i guess i'm kind but i can also be a bit of a pushover from it?

I'm open minded too and i can figure things out easily.