I'm just gonna go ahead and rank all the Zelda-games I've played.
1. The Legend of Zelda (NES)
I probably wouldn't say that this is the
best Zelda, but since it was my first one it will forever hold a special place in my heart. Entering a room filled with blue knights is still as thrilling as ever. Also, counting the 2nd quest, the game actually has 18 (!) dungeons. Beat that if you can.
2. Ocarina of Time (N64/3DS)
A true classic. What I love most about OoT is the dungeons; the Water- Desert- and Forest temples are three of my absolute favorites. The character design is absolutely horrid though. I mean, what's up with those Great Fairies?? Also, the Z-targeting takes all the challenges out of the game (at least for battles).
3. A Link to the Past (SNES)
Another true classic. Love the atmosphere of the game, both Light- and Darkworld. The beginning with the rain is still the strongest Zelda-moment imo. Dungeons are a bit "meh" though.
4. Zelda II: Adventure of Link (NES)
So underrated. It's like a Zelda meets Symphony of the Night-kind of game. The battlemechanics are my favorite in the series and the game is a bit challenging (not to hard). What I hate about the game and what keeps it from being a true classic is the instant deaths when you fall into water (seriously?) and lava.
5. A Link Between Worlds (3DS)
Basically a modern A Link to the Past. Loved the dungeons but the character design should have been better.
6. Wind Waker (GC)
Love the artstyle and the characters. The game gets a bit repetitive after a while though.
7. Link's Awakening (GB)
Very colorful game and characters even though it was originally i black and white.
8. Twilight Princess (GC)
A very good game but it doesn't "feel" like a Zelda. Pretty but lacks heart.
9. Majora's Mask (N64)
The most overrated game in the series. The only real things the game has going for it is the dark atmosphere and three-day-cycle. The dungeons and bosses are boring and the character design (just like OoT) sucks. The game just feels stressed (which it actually was btw).
Oracle of Ages, Phantom Hourglass and
Minish Cap were all pretty bland. Not games I'm gonna return to any day soon. Forgetable.