Favorite Zelda game?

For me, probably A Link Between Worlds, but I wouldn’t know because I’ve never beat a LoZ game, and I don’t care for the series in general.
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So far I really like Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past, but I just got Twilight Princess recently so I'll prob start playing that soon (and who knows, I might love it!)
Why is a thread from 2015 being revived

I don't even remember making this thread wow

Anyway, while I still feel that Twilight Princess is special to me, Breath of the Wild is now my favorite. I never really played a true open world game before and that's what made Breath of the Wild such an amazing experience. The story wasn't anything to write home about but it's also something I did not really miss since the gameplay, side-quests and the beautiful world were all excellent.

I’m not a huge Zelda fan. I did thoroughly enjoy Wind Waker, though.

I don't consider myself a fan either but I do enjoy the games a lot!
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I'm not really interested in playing most of the Legend of Zelda games and prefer instead to watch other people do so. That said, I do still have some I favor over others.

My favorite is Majora's Mask. It has the best atmosphere for me with the creepy moon of Termina, the interesting mask-induced transformations, the Happy Mask Salesman, and of course Skull Kid and Majora as well. Heck, it even has "Them" showing up and abducting cows from Romani Ranch in the middle of the night as an homage to reports of aliens. Oh, and can't forget the nice soundtrack. Just an overall cool, dark, and grim game and the one I'd most want to play firsthand.

Second would probably have to be Breath of the Wild. The open world seems interesting from what I've seen of people playing the game and the weapon durability mechanic is neat. I'd probably try it if a friend had it or something, but I'm not necessarily interested enough to purchase it considering the price of Switch cartridges.
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I got to say Wind Waker. It was the first open-world console game I ever played, and it BLEW MY MIND. Before that, the biggest game I had played was Phantom Hourglass on the DS.
Not only that, but WW has a great soundtrack, cool environments and enemy design (redeads used to scare the crap out of me) really good story, and Tetra is my second favorite Zelda incarnation (my first being the Zelda from Spirit Tracks).
But of course, there's also the Gameplay. Wind Waker is tied with BotW for my favorite controls in a Zelda game, partly because of how much I adore the GameCube controller. I love all of the actions you can do with Link, such as crawling on demand. All in all, I love me some Wind Waker.
Ocarina of Time. So far it's the only one that I made a point to 100% complete. I'm on my way with BotW though, but those korok seeds are getting on my nerves lol
I really liked Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time. Skyward Sword is also a masterpiece.
I've not yet completed neither Majora's Mask nor Twilight Princess, but they are both really good as well. Not surprising of course, LoZ is amazing!

I desperately want to try out BotW, and while I can buy it for my Wii U, I actually kinda want to buy a switch, and get it for that instead. Not sure why, but I get the feeling that it's better there? Idk.

Edit: Lol I forgot to say which one my fave is. Tbh I can't say I remember the feeling of playing anything other than OoT because that's what I most recently played, so that might be it. SS and WW is veeeeery close though.
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Ocarina of Time. So far it's the only one that I made a point to 100% complete. I'm on my way with BotW though, but those korok seeds are getting on my nerves lol

I made it until the water temple and gave up eventually... Hopefully they'll release another remaster someday so I can finish it properly as there is no way that I'm playing the original again lol.

I desperately want to try out BotW, and while I can buy it for my Wii U, I actually kinda want to buy a switch, and get it for that instead. Not sure why, but I get the feeling that it's better there? Idk.

A friend of mine has played through the Wii U version and he has pointed out to me that it suffers from many technical problems. Lots of slowdown, the game outright freezing in time because there is too much going on and more. Personally I played the Switch version and I never encountered any gameplay-hindering problems. Sure there are some framedrops on busy locations but they're very rare. Plus I played the base game without update, since the initial release there's been multiple updates to improve performance.

So yeah get it on Switch if you're able to wait!
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I have probably gotten the most replay value out of Ocarina of Time. I have played through that one, start to finish, 100% at least six times (plus a run through the Master Quest). I love Majora's Mask as well.

I got a lot of enjoyment out of Oracle of Seasons and Ages. Probably not as good as A Link to the Past, but better than Link's Awakening (which, even replaying recently, was not a very strong game in my opinion). A liked A Link Between Worlds well enough.

There are several--the later systems--like Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Breath of the Wild that I have not had the opportunity to play.

Ever since I saw the 'Lonk' meme, I have had to name my character accordingly (http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/810/451/a1a.jpg).
Don't we have enough of what is your favorite zelda game threads, because I seen 5 now.
My only favorite Zelda game is twilight Princess. Every other Zelda games I'm not so "yay" about, Breath of the Wild makes me fall asleep.
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2. Skyward Sword (The controls are great. ;_;)
3 and 4. Tie between Minish Cap and Twilight Princess
5. Hyrule Warriors. I've played it more than any other Zelda game (except maybe Wind Waker if you combine the GameCube and Wii U versions.)

Wow, I really said some of this stuff 3 years ago.
I think I said this right after finishing TP for the first time, so that was probably just recency bias or smth, it shouldn't be there.
1 and 2 is mostly a tie between the same 2 games, but I think SS is a bit better, so that's 1 and WW is 2.
3... Triforce Heroes. I really enjoyed it, if only it wasn't region-locked. :/
Minish Cap would stay at 4th.
5th would probably be Oracle of Season I think.

And Hyrule Warriors still has the special mention of being my most played game. Not just for Zelda games, I'm p sure it's my most played game in general. It wasn't worth it :lemon:
For the longest time Windwaker was my favourite, but after I played Twilight Princess I realized I liked that game more. I love the character designs, the soundtrack, the dark atmosphere, and I thought most of the temples were really well thought out. Midna is also my favourite out of all Link's sidekicks.
Minish Cap and Link's Awakening. But honestly I'll play anything that's not Phantom Hourglass or ST tbh.