Stay Puft
Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening and Wind Waker are my absolute favorites.
Why is a thread from 2015 being revived
I’m not a huge Zelda fan. I did thoroughly enjoy Wind Waker, though.
Ocarina of Time. So far it's the only one that I made a point to 100% complete. I'm on my way with BotW though, but those korok seeds are getting on my nerves lol
I desperately want to try out BotW, and while I can buy it for my Wii U, I actually kinda want to buy a switch, and get it for that instead. Not sure why, but I get the feeling that it's better there? Idk.
2. Skyward Sword (The controls are great. ;_
3 and 4. Tie between Minish Cap and Twilight Princess
5. Hyrule Warriors. I've played it more than any other Zelda game (except maybe Wind Waker if you combine the GameCube and Wii U versions.)