Favourite PINK villagers! 💕


Stella! A current resident of Anthology.


Norma, past resident of Anthology.


Snake, permanent resident of my New Leaf town, Feldspar.


And Snooty. I love every anteater and would welcome Snooty as a resident some day.

After looking through the pink coloured villagers (hope I didn't miss anyone) I think Midge might be my favourite! I have such a soft spot for her and would love to bring her back in the next game tbh. I had her back in New Leaf and I originally wanted her to be a permie, but plans changed and I ended up letting her go. 😭

Other than Midge, I'm also quite fond of Stella, as she's a villager I also considered for a permie in both NL and NL. Flora is another one I really love. 💕
Pinky is definitely my favourite pink villager. I have never had her on my island which I definitely need to change. Second would have to be cookie. I did have her for a little while and think that she should come back to Bayside for a holiday 😍💜
STELLA WITHOUT A DOUBT, she is second only to vesta for me! i usually prefer to go for more natural villagers with neutral colour palettes but i'm just obsessed w her
I love all shades of pink, but gravitate towards softer pastel hues rather than neon and it reflects in my favourite pink vilagers. Those are:
Diana, Merengue and Gayle

There are many other pink villagers I like but I feel too lazy to look for them now :')
I really like Chrissy! Though I tend nyot to really want her due to my favourite villager alsyo being a peppy rabbit.
I alsyo like Dom and Marina a lot, and I've begun to like Fuchsia a fair bit after getting her on my post-reset island.
I really love Merengue and Cookie! I have them both on my New Horizons island. Merengue is so sweet, adorable, and I love her design so much. I gave her a red sweater and it matches her so well. I also love the dogs in general and Cookie is just adorable. A pink villager I love who I've never had is Marina. I love the octopi and she's just so cute, so hopefully I can get her one day!
Cookie has always been my favorite Pino villager. She and Butch lived in the same acre in GCN and wore the same zipper shirt. I started calling them the zipper shirt gang & started wearing one too.
Cookie has followed me at one time or another through all of the main games save for NH. I hope she'll show up on my island some day!
Gala 4 life. Also Merengue, and Judy if she counts as pink.
merengue is my girly i love her but also want to take a bite out of her at the same time 😂

flora, chrissy, and cookie are my honorable mentions
Peanut and Marcie are my 2 favourites, super cute. Also pink being my fave colour I wonder if I could get all pink villagers 👀 hmmmm now that is a shout!
PEANUT! She's my lil sassy buddy!
I also really love Puddles as well!
This is kindof tough there's so many cute pink villagers!! 🥺
My fav would be Flora probably! Shes the star of my new leaf town and since going back im reminded how much I love her. Same with Merengue! They're my girlies who live on the same street 💗
Some other honourable mentions would be Pinky, Gayle, and Nana (plus some lists consider Judy, she is kinda partially pink, so kinda counts lol)

Favorite pink villager will always be Marina!
I love this strawberry-Starburst octopus.
Normally I'd say Bob as he has pink shades in New Horizons, but I've always considered him to be purple, so I'm not going to count him. Peanut is probably my favorite pink villager, and I'd like to have her in a town someday.

My favorite pink villager would have to be Puddles! 🙂 Her dialogue in NH makes her give me a different vibe than I got in NL, which I don’t like as much as I liked the one she gave me in NL, but regardless, she’s still one of my favorite villagers and definitely my favorite pink villager 🙂