Favourite PINK villagers! 💕

I love Marina, Merengue, Cookie, Gayle.. man. Let's just say I love all of them!! Pink is my favorite color, after all! ^^
i am realizing i do not like as many pink villagers as i thought i did 😭 i like diana but i’m not sure if she’s pink enough…
If Judy counts, Judy is one of my favorite pink villagers, Puddles, Peanut. I’ve only had Judy; Puddles I had in NL. I also like Nana! 🙂!
My favorite villagers that are at least partially pink are Pinky, Snake, Fuchsia, Gayle, Marina, Gala, Chrissy, Ursala, Merengue, Étoile, Stella, Flora, and Friga!
I have a real fondness for pink villagers, and my favourites are Marina, Diana, Merengue, Chrissy, Freya, and Judy. 🩷
Cookie is my favourite pink villager. She is adorable. I had her in New Leaf. Sadly she never visited in New Horizons. Now I think about it I should maybe go on a quest and invite her to Bayside 😍
I am going to say something shocking to everyone on this forum, something never before heard of from me in my life, something that not a single person could ever possibly see coming from me, your girl, Flower-loving Punk:

My favorite pink villager is Flora the peppy ostrich

Shocking, I know.
freya and diana are my favourite pink villagers, love the wolves (my fave species) and deer villagers as a whole and like the designs of both of these.

there are quite a few pink villagers i really like though so special mentions to cookie, etoile and judy- all villagers i find very cute and have enjoyed having on my island.
Easily Marina! I love all octopi and couldn't go without having Marina on my island!
There are so many good pink villagers it's hard to pick. Marina, Snake, Fuchsia, Diana, the list goes on
When it comes to pink villagers, Marina and Cookie are my favorites. Marina’s soft pink coloring and adorable yellow cheeks make her incredibly cute. She’s my preferred choice among the octopus villagers. Cookie, on the other hand, steals my heart with her dog-like charm; her cuteness is beyond words!

my king and absolute all time favourite villager is puck!! he's such a cute shade of pink! i also really love étoille, marina and merengue!!
Pink is my fave colour so I reckon there’s going to be a few.

First that comes to mind is marina, the cutest lil pink octopus!

Marcie - the kangaroo villagers are cute regardless but her being pink *chef’s kiss*

Chrissy, Diana, Cookie, Midge..
Marina, Merengue, Cookie, Peanut, Judy, Gayle, ... So many great pink villagers!