Favourite potato chip flavour(s)?

Ruffles All Dressed is hands down the best potato chip flavour ever invented. It was invented for the Canadian market but has since had some sales in the United States. It's a combination of a bunch of other flavours and simply tastes amazing.
Oooh I’m a huge fan of Pringle’s originals. I have to eat a ton of salt for a health thing, and they’re super salty and SO good. If you leave me alone I’ll eat like half a can without noticing 🤫
jalapeno flavored chips is the beeeeesssst

other than that BBQ, and Flaming Hot Cheetos.
I like:

Frito-Lay or Kroger Mesquite Barbecue Kettle Chips
Frito-Lay Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper Kettle Chips
Kroger Private Selections Sweet Southern Heat BBQ Kettle Chips
Kroger Private Selections Nashville Hot Kettle Chips

And also pretty much any chips that are sour cream and onion/cheddar/jalapeno.

This might sound weird but right now is like a golden age for chip flavors.When I was a kid,there was pretty much only regular and BBQ but you also had the luxury of choosing between rippled chips or plain ol' smooth chips.
mmmmmm utz salt and vinegar chips. they dissolve your mouth but i wouldn't have it any other way
also i'm a big fan of plain tortilla chips and salsa
Plain, sea salt and vinegar, dill pickle, pretty much anything spicy. Anything with no dairy because it grosses me out.
Hands down Sour cream and onion, but havent seen them outside of Sweden which is sad. Otherwise midterranian is pretty good.
This might sound lame but my favorite chips of all time are the Lays Baked chips. Has to be Lays. Has to be baked. The cheddar baked ones are good, but I like the plain ones better. Also the baked chips are supposedly healthier.
Japanese Lays had this cucumber flavor a year or so back. Idk if it's still out there but the asian market near me stopped carrying it :( It was absolutely divine, and amazing both just as is and on sandwiches! And it was the "original" lays style (the thin sort of puffy lightly crispy kind), which normally I don't much care for but it just WORKED perfectly.

Otherwise sour cream and onion or cheddar and sour cream for basic flavors. Lays currently has a special barbecue flavor (I forget exactly) but it's a bit more savory and spicy which is good. Zapp's Voodoo Chips are really good (barbecue meets vinegar. They have a spicy I wanna try but haven't yet), Salsa Verde Doritos are my favorite but hard to find, and I was nuts over Krunchers Sweet Hawaiian Onion flavor. They were hard to find but I found a source and proceeded to eat them so much that I got kind of sick of them!

Also Garden Salsa Sun Chips are my favorite on Subway sandwiches. Not too crunchy, cheese flavors blend in, and strong flavors overtake the sandwich. Subways around me now only have the cheddar flavor, I hope that's only temporary because of the virus. I miss the salsa flavored ones 😭
ruffles cheddar and sour cream in terms of "potato" chips. otherwise i like turbos flamas lmao. love spicy food. im a big chips snacker, prefer savory things over sweet things so there's a variety of chips that i like/always on the look out to try new ones.