Favourite Poptart Flavour!

Chocolate chip cookie dough all the way! That stuff was awesome as a kid! I also liked oreo and strawberry but not nearly as much

(dang it now I really want pop tarts)
Favorite is definitely the smores flavor, it tastes really good out of the package and in the toaster.

Fun fact: I never put a poptart in the toaster until 4 months ago. It was really dang good honestly, the reason being I simply just forgot about the toaster's existence and usually it would be a treat i'd have in my room or while I was at school. I actually don't mind having a little one now and then warmed up and it's so good!
I like these ones
🍓🍓🍓 Gotta be strawbz!
Strawberry is such a classic flavor it's got that sweet and deliciousness, brings a burst of fruitiness to your taste buds. HAHA

The filling provides just the right amount of gooeyness to complement the crisp crust. The icing on top adds a touch of sweetness, making it a perfect breakfast pastry or snack. I also feel like it's kind of a nostalgic flavor that many people grew up with, making it a comforting and familiar choice?
I love the banana bread flavor! I think it was limited edition but it’s one of the better poptarts!
I don't eat Pop Tarts anymore, but when I used to as a kid, my favorite was the S'mores flavor. My older sibling was partial to the Chocolate Fudge one and I tried that, it was good too. If I were to try one nowadays I'd have to try the Pumpkin Pie one out of obligation and curiosity, but Pop Tarts are a bit too junk foody for me these days.
i know this is 3 years old but WILD BERRY IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. 2nd fav is smores. i can't find the wild berry in stores anymore :(
Three years I have lived in loneliness and isolation. And now I see a glimmer of light that beckons me in the enveloping darkness. Perhaps there may be hope yet. I've always had a preference for sweets that were more on the tangy side (i.e. berry-flavored things), but if you mention enjoying something more than brown sugar and cinnamon, you will be evicted from your home and hunted down in the streets with knives and pitchforks. I like cinnamon, too, but it's not the only flavor!

It's unfortunate that you can't find it in stores. I admittedly haven't checked in a long time, but I do hope they haven't discontinued it.
Three years I have lived in loneliness and isolation. And now I see a glimmer of light that beckons me in the enveloping darkness.
the wild berry coalition has found you my friend, welcome amongst the ranks of the enlightened 🤝

i dont think they discontinued it, i think my store literally just couldn't sell it so they stopped stocking it. i only go grocery shopping in 2 specific places tbf, so its entirely possible i havent looked hard enough
My most favorite flavor of Pop-Tarts is frosted chocolate chip...I could eat them and not get sick of them.

I also like the frosted chocolate fudge flavor, as well.
i love s’mores, cookies n crème, cherry & strawberry milkshake