Favourite PURPLE villagers! 💜

My favorite would have to be Bob!
He's just so laid back and nice. Plus he's got two tones of purple!
Bob would be my favorite purple villager. He's one of my favorite cat villagers, and I love his facial expression. Honorable mentions go to Static, Étoile, and Kidd, who I also like a lot~
Bob, Static, and Étoile, I think? I never thought hard about favorite villagers by color before.

L to R: Becky,Gloria,Mallary,Megan,Static

This is my purple gang.Megan might be able to pass for pink as well.
my favorite is etoile. if judy counts she would be my second (she should count she is a gradient lol). and then bob would be 3rd.
Purple is my absolute favourite colour and it’s so bad that I only have one purple villager on my island. My favourite purple villager has to be Megan. She is my little purple care bear who will stay on Bayside forever 💜
My favorite purple villager is Becky! I got her in New Leaf because I thought it was cool she had my mom's nickname. Some others I like are Bob, Sylvia, Cleo, and Gigi!
Sydney will always have a special place in my heart, and I think her design is really cute!!
Otherwise, I really like Static's design!
Obviously I love Judy, but I also think Rod is really underrated. I don't like it when he takes off his bandana though.
Flo has got to be one of my favourites, she has won my heart being on my island. Flo has such a good sassy vibe and I always seem to catch her holding a donut which is a mood. 💜

Bob, Lobo, and Static are also some villagers who I've always loved the designs of but I've never had any first hand experience with them.
renee, etoile and static are my favorites! i'm sure i have more, but those are the ones i know off the top of my head right now.