well i guess all im going home with is an atk+ -spd hector. had enough orbs left to summon 4 in one session, so naturally my first two summon circles only had one green and my last had three, awesome.
Looking at this, I think I know next to nothing about what makes a good unit in Heroes. ._.
alright i need your help
today i pulled a +hp -atk rhajat (feels bad man) but i was thinking, are there any green mages that would be capable of a wolf build?
alright i need your help
today i pulled a +hp -atk rhajat (feels bad man) but i was thinking, are there any green mages that would be capable of a wolf build?
pulled a +spd ephraim off the new heroes banner, but he's a great unit so im not complaining!
With weapon refining and the increasing amount of S seals, Ephraim is turning into Hector in a way where he can work with almost any boon-bane combo and you can change his kit accordingly and all of them are effective (although there isn't much he can do with a Res boon). With +Spd, I've heard of some theorycrafing involving his unique Siegmund upgrade (the one that lets him double during player phase if he has over 90% of his HP) and Windsweep; which would let him double without having to worry about being hit back (and because of that, he can keep his HP high enough to continue using his weapon's unique effect). With your +Spd, Darting Blow, and Phantom Speed on his S slot, he would reach 45 Speed during player phase which should be enough to activate Windsweep against almost everyone. It sounds like a fun set to use at the very least!
And just to assure you, Windsweep only removes your natural ability to double if you outspeed the opponent. Doubling coming from skills (like Brave weapons or the innate Daggerbreaker on the Assassin's Bow) is still allowed. It also doesn't affect your enemy phase at all, but I don't think Eph is going to be outspeeding anyone anyways so it isn't a big deal either way.
I was an idiot and already sacrificed my 4* Joshua for some other skill (ugh) so I don't want to kill him since I'm not sure when he'll be back, and the only Alm i have is +atk/-def so I figure its best to keep him, but is it worth just killing him since I have enough 5* reds already? (joshua, elica, ogma, seliph, eirika, black knight, sigurd, leo and halloween nowi)