✨ Étoile 2020 ✨
does anyone know a good build for ninian OTL all the ones i've tried need heroes that are only available at 5* or need a skill only available at 5*
Depends on what you want; support, anti-red, mage bait, ect...
For support, keep Light Breath and refine it for atk or spd. You can then run Fury, boosting her stats by 3, or Triangle Adept, to make her a red unit murderer. Due to having low attack, I would recommend Moonbow which is especially helpful for ranged units as Ninian will target the lowest defensive stat of theirs. The B slot is completely interchangable; Escape Route, Wings of Mercy, Earth Dance, Blaze Dance, Gale Dance, Geyser Dance. Whatever you need. Ninin comes with Fortify Dragons which is useful for Dragon Emblem, but run whatever C slot fits your team on her.
You can run the exact same set-up for dealing with ranged units much better with Lightning Breath too. Refine it for atk, spd or res and run the same skill set-up.