FE Heroes discussion

How many spaces can she move normally? If it’s two, or if she can attack from two spaces away, I would go with the +Attack Nowi for extra damage. I don’t think she has that high of HP anyway (At least her base HP stat in Fire Emblem Awakening is not that high).

As an Infantry unit she can move 2 spaces normally and obstacles like trees can slow her movement for that turn. I have the refined Lightning Breath+ so she can counter anyone trying to attack her. My 5 star Nowi +4 has 31 speed with the speed refine which is average, but her 51 attack is good. However, at 31 speed a lot of units can still double her, so if I use the +Speed Nowi with Speed refine her speed will reach 34 making it harder to be doubled. Her attack will drop to 48 though. I don't know which is better.
As an Infantry unit she can move 2 spaces normally and obstacles like trees can slow her movement for that turn. I have the refined Lightning Breath+ so she can counter anyone trying to attack her. My 5 star Nowi +4 has 31 speed with the speed refine which is average, but her 51 attack is good. However, at 31 speed a lot of units can still double her, so if I use the +Speed Nowi with Speed refine her speed will reach 34 making it harder to be doubled. Her attack will drop to 48 though. I don't know which is better.

Hmm, it’s a tough call. I would go with the high speed, 48 atk damage Nowi if you can. 48 is still an atk stat that does a lot of damage against enemies in FEH today, and being able to not be doubled would be nice.
Btw, I just a Nowi that +Speed -HP and I was wondering if I should use that instead of my +Attack -HP Nowi. I heard mix opinions with + Speed Nowi being the best while others saying it is the worst.

I would personally go for the +atk. Most people build Nowi with quick riposte, so she doesn't need terribly high speed. It is a high investment build though since QR is still hard to come by, but if you have the fodder then it's definitely worth it. Nowi with steady/warding breath, quick riposte and aether is a very deadly combo and she has great sustain with fast aether procs. It's entirely up to you which you choose though. You'd have to be willing to go all the way and fodder off some already great units to her if you have them, but she has massive potential to tank almost anything with that build, and it's a great foundation for merges if you plan on going that route.
Sorry for double post but this is very important

A quick heads up but Kaze has been added to the standard summoning pool, and he's available at 3*-4* too! And I'll also use this as a reminder that Kaze has Atk Smoke available at 4 stars, so have fun slapping that onto everyone.

Since there's a lot more new players here recently, Kaze can work as a mage tank thanks to his great Spd and Res, but Felicia probably does it a bit better thanks to her prf weapon. (But if you'd rather use Kaze because you like him more then go ahead, that's the only reason you need to use him!) Kaze's weapon is essentially a Killer or Slayer weapon for dagger users and it is inheritable by other dagger units. It's one of the better ones for sure. And as I mentioned above, Atk Smoke is his C skill and that's another great skill, mostly used by tankier units that want to tank even better.

Anyways I got Karla on my free summon but she was +HP -Spd so it balances out. Yay for free Even Spd Wave fodder!
Gonna go for julia, already got one who is +atk -spd which isnt too bad i guess but today i pulled another and shes +atk -spd again so i mean. Okay i guess lol
Pulled on the new banner today. First got +Spd -Def Eldigan as a pity breaker. Wasn’t too mad as I didn’t have him yet. Then in the following summoning circle I got Pega Nino +Hp Res. Kept going until I used all my orbs in hopes of another one, but ended up with a Karla instead (+Atk -Res) as green orbs were hard to come by. Didn’t really want her but nice. 100 orbs spent but worth it nonetheless.
This is nothing


How horrifying.

Kaze being added to the summon pool is great. I might just kill the free ones for attack smoke right away.

Also I can't believe how consistently garbage the story is in this game. There's no direction and they just throw anything in there for the hell of it. Granted it is a mobile game so I don't expect the story to be stellar, but it's just... awful.
How horrifying.

Kaze being added to the summon pool is great. I might just kill the free ones for attack smoke right away.

Also I can't believe how consistently garbage the story is in this game. There's no direction and they just throw anything in there for the hell of it. Granted it is a mobile game so I don't expect the story to be stellar, but it's just... awful.

I agree, but to be fair, the story has been awful since the beginning. The villains take WAY too many chapters to beat. Like, I get it, you want them to be hard for us to beat, but are all those contract heroes being used as villains really necessary?

Also, I’ve got nothing but 4 star crap and stuff lately (besides 5 star Perfect Bride Cordelia, which I got a couple weeks ago). I’m still trying my hardest to get 5 star Obsessive Bride Tharja, with no help. Every time I think I’m going to get her, it’s some other dumb hero I would prefer at 5 star (Like Seliph).
i'm so totally gonna feed linus

A quick heads up but Kaze has been added to the standard summoning pool, and he's available at 3*-4* too! And I'll also use this as a reminder that Kaze has Atk Smoke available at 4 stars, so have fun slapping that onto everyone.

Since there's a lot more new players here recently, Kaze can work as a mage tank thanks to his great Spd and Res, but Felicia probably does it a bit better thanks to her prf weapon. (But if you'd rather use Kaze because you like him more then go ahead, that's the only reason you need to use him!) Kaze's weapon is essentially a Killer or Slayer weapon for dagger users and it is inheritable by other dagger units. It's one of the better ones for sure. And as I mentioned above, Atk Smoke is his C skill and that's another great skill, mostly used by tankier units that want to tank even better.

Anyways I got Karla on my free summon but she was +HP -Spd so it balances out. Yay for free Even Spd Wave fodder!

now if IS could go ahead and add marisa and joshua to the pool that'd be great.
I know I don't play FEH but as an avid FE7 fan why Linus over Lloyd? Happy to see they added Canas and Karla though!

lloyd's been in the game since like forever he just kinda sucks
Finally got around 16 orbs, summoned a bunch, and ended up getting 5 star Eirika (on horseback). I’m convinced at this point the game is going to give me all the 5 star heroes from that banner instead of 5 star Tharja: Obsessive Bride. :mad:
I know I don't play FEH but as an avid FE7 fan why Linus over Lloyd? Happy to see they added Canas and Karla though!

Lloyd has been in the game for over a year now lmao

- - - Post Merge - - -

New heroes stats if you haven't seen them + Linus and Canas


Linus looks to be amazing as a unit, even if he is locked to neutral and 2 merges. Canas is just Raigh with 4 more resistance
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Finally got around 16 orbs, summoned a bunch, and ended up getting 5 star Eirika (on horseback). I’m convinced at this point the game is going to give me all the 5 star heroes from that banner instead of 5 star Tharja: Obsessive Bride. :mad:

Right? That banner is awful. I have been pity broken by red twice and I never summoned so many Hana's. Also most of the time there is just one red orb so it is wasting my orbs too. Tharja, don't be like that. I have 3 or 4 versions of Robin, she should want to visit. :p

Right? That banner is awful. I have been pity broken by red twice and I never summoned so many Hana's. Also most of the time there is just one red orb so it is wasting my orbs too. Tharja, don't be like that. I have 3 or 4 versions of Robin, she should want to visit. :p

I agree. This made me laugh in a good way too. Just got to keep trying with these sorts of things... hopefully one of these times I get her before the banner is gone. :)
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Right? That banner is awful. I have been pity broken by red twice and I never summoned so many Hana's. Also most of the time there is just one red orb so it is wasting my orbs too. Tharja, don't be like that. I have 3 or 4 versions of Robin, she should want to visit. :p

Your chances are the same as any other banner :rolleyes: