The legendary heroes banner is out now. :T I was conflicted if I should use all my orbs for this banner or the new summer banner. In the end... I decided to use all of my orbs for the legendary banner. The reason why I decided to use my orbs for the legendary banner instead of the new summer banner was because I wanted to have Myrrh. Had around around like 290-ish orbs for when I was summoning on it.
These are the 5-star units that I've gotten from the banner:
- Brave Ike +RES/-SPD
- Legendary Ephraim +DEF/-ATK
- Legendary Hector Neutral IV
- Brave Ike Neutral IV
- Legendary Hector +ATK/-SPD
When I was using my orbs for the banner... The units that I wanted on the banner were Myrrh and Elise, so I mostly prioritized the green orbs and colorless orbs in hopes to get them. Though, I mostly was using my orbs on the green orbs for this banner. If I had to be honest here... I think my luck was a lot better than the legendary heroes banner with Lyn that I summoned on despite not getting the units that I wanted. Welp. :T I hope that Sacred Memories Eirika doesn't come back yet on a banner until I get more orbs.