i finally got dancer inigo
+hp -res but i don't care i love him
not really sure what to give him though i'm bad at mages
Aha those ivs are the same as my second 1! I merged my -atk one into the +hp one
You could do the gronnraven, TA build. He can be a dancer, and a rein killer when needed. Slap on bowbreaker and now he's a Bow Lyn killer
Yeah I was definitely gonna do gronnraven/TA but wasn't sure about the rest. Would be great if I had a spare 5* cecilia laying around though lmao.
I don't think it's that necessary, since archers are mainly the problem in the colourless pool and bow breaker should take care of it. Personally, I'd only give him raven+ if I had nothing else to promote or if he was my absolute favourite character and wanted to build him completely
what units would work well with steady blow?
steady blow is spd/def, i accidentally said sturdy blow before i edited it which is atk/def but i still think a saizo would work well with that! ive been interested in building a saizo for a while.
If you want to have some fun with him equip fortress defensea neutral one reaches 38 or so at 5 star and tanks almost everything