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Ferguson: Your Thoughts.

Do you believe that Officer Darren Wilson is guilty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 103 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 19.4%
  • I do not know

    Votes: 32 20.0%

  • Total voters
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how is there even question over the guilt..... it's pretty obvs darren wilson shot mike brown??? he even said so himself????? ._.

as for my thoughts its disgusting darren wilson didn't even get indicted.
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If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.- Desmond Tutu

Slow your roll. Throwing a torch where nothing but an opinion is expressed makes you as guilty as one of the protesters.

Also I said keep it civil. Don't attack me.
Slow your roll. Throwing a torch where nothing but an opinion is expressed makes you as guilty as one of the protesters.

Also I said keep it civil. Don't attack me.

i... didnt say i was attacking you. the protestors arent guilty tho.

It's often that the oppressed become the oppressors.

what since when
I'm not completely sure on how feel about this issue yet. Yes there were obviously very fishy things going on in this case and many inconsistencies from what Darren Wilson himself had to say not only in the transcript during his hearing but also what he said during interviews. It took far too long for his case to be heard by the grand jury (most cases are heard within one day, but in his case the grand jurors met 25 days over three months.) Bob McCulloch was obviously biased, his own father being a police officer who killed on duty. link and cherry-picking evidence to sway the case link Also really suspicious how the medical examiner at the scene didn't take pictures of his body because he "ran out of batteries in his camera." Not only that but the Ferguson police have a history of excessive force against it's residents in the past (beating someone for something he didn't do and charging them for bleeding on their uniforms.) link Also the claimed "stolen cigarettes" would have been a large factor in this case and should have been kept as evidence if they even existed and yet there are none. Not only that but those "injuries" of Wilson's do not in any way look to be "near fatal blows" to his face. I don't trust the mainstream media as it's all filtered either one way or the other. I do believe he should have gotten charged for something because even if he was as afraid as he claimed to be, that in no way excuses murder. Michael was unarmed, he shot him an excessive amount of times. It just doesn't add up.
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Race and Racism is the elephant in the room for most Americans, I have noticed. It's not about oppression or being oppressed. It's about a white cop shot a boy of colour. As sad as this truth is, this is more common that you think, it happens daily. It's not right, it's not okay. It's two cultures within america that don't understand each other and push at each other when they meet because there is no middle ground. White cops of privilege and black youth who push the boundaries. No one is right in this situation, no one will win.

A grand jury decided not to indict a man for murdering a child. As sad as this truth is, there is nothing that can be said or done about it. Cultural boundaries need to be broken down, not just with this one man, the one family in this one town, but across america. No one is talking about the 12 year old who was shot within 2 seconds of police arriving in cleveland last weekend. No one is talking about the black kid that was shot just last year for walking down the street in a white neighborhood.

Honestly, I don't care. I'm moving off this continent in the coming months and honestly, pushing and pulling will not stop. Obama was right. Race is a conversation the american people need to have. They cannot fear it anymore. And the riots? They are a bad idea now because of looters and because of people like the KKK who are filled with hate and spite and fear for other humans they do not understand. This is the reality of this situation. Race is still a dividing factor in america, and has been for as long as she stood. Ours is a country of half truths, and only white Americans get to enjoy the fruits of most of the labors, and everyone else has to fight for their own or take the scraps. Race and the hate and distaste for it needs to end. It's a two way street and we all need to walk down it in unity or incidence like Ferguson will never, EVER stop.

as for the lack of indictment, I don't care. Everything I mentioned before should take priority over anything else, or else america will sink further into despair.

Also, attacking ZR388 is a bad idea. She don't take no **** from no one.
I honestly don't care about it.

Shun me all you want for being me not being truly American and all that crap, I just want to play Smash and not be bothered by it.

Case closed.
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I think that a cop unnecessarily shot a child repeatedly and his racial insecurity had a part in making him do it.
A cop. Shot a child. In the chest. 6 times. And he isn't punished at all? That's grade A bull. And it's also a representation of the constant ignorance to racial insensitivity that cops carry around with them. And enough is enough.
I bet everyone commenting on this is white. I know I am. I'm so white that I have to wear sunscreen in the winter, then I get lost in the snow. But I know that this is wrong.

"Dooley?s spokeswoman, Pat Washington, said there have been long-standing concerns among many black leaders in the community regarding County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch?s ability to handle such cases because his father was killed in the line of duty when McCulloch was 12 years old. The man who shot his father was black."

This blog very thoroughly and accurately pointing out every flaw and hole (which, might I add, there's a WHOLE LOT) in this case.

"Bob McCulloch had every right to pass on an indictment. But absent an indictment, he has no right to the pretense that Office Wilson?s guilt or innocence has been adequately litigated. He should have to live with whatever backlash his non-indictment provoked."

And even more evidence that he's extremely biased.

My opinion? At least get that moron off the police force. He killed someone. He doesn't deserve to keep 'protecting' when his resort to an attack from a child is to repeatedly shoot them.
If you'd like more proof, I'll provide more links.
I think that a cop unnecessarily shot a child repeatedly and his racial insecurity had a part in making him do it.
A cop. Shot a child. In the chest. 6 times. And he isn't punished at all? That's grade A bull. And it's also a representation of the constant ignorance to racial insensitivity that cops carry around with them. And enough is enough.
I bet everyone commenting on this is white. I know I am. I'm so white that I have to wear sunscreen in the winter, then I get lost in the snow. But I know that this is wrong.

"Dooley’s spokeswoman, Pat Washington, said there have been long-standing concerns among many black leaders in the community regarding County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch’s ability to handle such cases because his father was killed in the line of duty when McCulloch was 12 years old. The man who shot his father was black."

This blog very thoroughly and accurately pointing out every flaw and hole (which, might I add, there's a WHOLE LOT) in this case.

"Bob McCulloch had every right to pass on an indictment. But absent an indictment, he has no right to the pretense that Office Wilson’s guilt or innocence has been adequately litigated. He should have to live with whatever backlash his non-indictment provoked."

And even more evidence that he's extremely biased.

My opinion? At least get that moron off the police force. He killed someone. He doesn't deserve to keep 'protecting' when his resort to an attack from a child is to repeatedly shoot them.
If you'd like more proof, I'll provide more links.

17 year old. If you're under 18, you're a child. But you're right, he was a big hulking monster. I get it. But I'm talking in terms of the law. Also, my point is still valid even if you don't consider him a child. He KILLED SOMEONE. He shouldn't be on a police force after that.
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17 year old. If you're under 18, you're a child. But you're right, he was a big hulking monster. I get it. But I'm talking in terms of the law. Also, my point is still valid even if you don't consider him a child. He KILLED SOMEONE. He shouldn't be on a police force after that.

Michael Brown was 18 but I still agree with everything else you said.
????? So we're just gonna forget that someone's dead?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Michael Brown was 18 but I still agree with everything else you said.

Ah, was he? I kept hearing 17 and 18, but he seemed younger to me. Sorry for the misinformation.
You treat 17 year olds as children?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Teens can think better and act differently than children

That's very true I'm glad you know that but what I meant was it doesn't make any difference in what happened in this case.
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