Festivale Update 1.7.0 - Share what you discovered! [SPOILERS]

Not sure if this is new but, Isabelle told me to wash my hands and stay safe. Not the exact words, but you get what I mean. It's quite nice of Nintendo to include this.
I actually didn't like that.

We've been playing the game ruthlessly because alot of us are in isolation.

We are playing AC to escape that.

It's not like I'm going to forget about COVID.
It's on TV and the news all the time.
We know to wash our hands!

I didn't appreciate an in game reminder, that started with Isabelle sneezing in my face.

AC is an escape from real life problems.

I respect those that didn't mind the message, but for me, it made the game a little more depressing.
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Not sure if this is new but, Isabelle told me to wash my hands and stay safe. Not the exact words, but you get what I mean. It's quite nice of Nintendo to include this.
I actually hate this. I dont want to hear about this when I'm playing video games.
It's dumb advice anyway... Who doesn't wash their hands?! God, it really makes me a bit mad...
Not sure if this is new but, Isabelle told me to wash my hands and stay safe. Not the exact words, but you get what I mean. It's quite nice of Nintendo to include this.
That moment when you skip Isabelle's dialogue every single time and not notice that she actually says something new for once.

Also, I got curious and time traveled a bit, I have the red version of the set. I kinda hoped to get the purple or blue one, although red doesn't look so bad. Now I hope I get the color versions of the Valentine's Day items which I wanted.
Who doesn't wash their hands?! God, it really makes me a bit mad...

Handwashing is one of those things that a large majority say they do, but a lot fewer actually do. I've even read that something like 75-90% of people tell pollsters they wash their hands, but observational studies are like 50-60%.

How many of your animals have sinks in their homes? I rest my case.
OK, I just got the line.
I have to take back what I said earlier.

The context of that line isn't actually the recent happenings. It's about winter being the prime time for colds in general. So that line is likely not new.
In that context, it doesnt bother me.
Not sure if this is new but, Isabelle told me to wash my hands and stay safe. Not the exact words, but you get what I mean. It's quite nice of Nintendo to include this.
I must not have paid attention since I didn’t see that.
I did time travel on both islands. My main island had the blue version of the set. The only reason I time traveled on my second island was to get the shop to upgrade. I will know tomorrow what color my second island has.
i made an account just to ask this, but since the update my HHA score went up 20k points, but I know for a fact I didn't change anything. is that a known thing?
I actually didn't like that.

We've been playing the game ruthlessly because alot of us are in isolation.

We are playing AC to escape that.

It's not like I'm going to forget about COVID.
It's on TV and the news all the time.
We know to wash our hands!

I didn't appreciate an in game reminder, that started with Isabelle sneezing in my face.

AC is an escape from real life problems.

I respect those that didn't mind the message, but for me, it made the game a little more depressing.
I thought I was the only one who hated this message. We get new dialogue for once and it's her reminding us life sucks ass and you need to stay home and protect yourself from being sick. 😐🙄
I actually didn't like that.

We've been playing the game ruthlessly because alot of us are in isolation.

We are playing AC to escape that.

It's not like I'm going to forget about COVID.
It's on TV and the news all the time.
We know to wash our hands!

I didn't appreciate an in game reminder, that started with Isabelle sneezing in my face.

AC is an escape from real life problems.

I respect those that didn't mind the message, but for me, it made the game a little more depressing.

I thought the same but then i thought that maybe that message is not due COVID but because we will be in transition from winter to summer so to say and many pp get allergies or even colds and thats why Isabell said what she said, at least thats what i would like to think hahah cause while i would like more realism such as in activities like; more planta to tend to, maybe pets, abilitiy to cook etc i would rather have COVID out of the game too
Can anyone confirm if the dialogue about washing hands and such is actually new though?
It's possible it was in the game from the start because of the cold/flu season.
Either way, I love that it's in there. What I don't like is our villagers sneezing in our faces when they're sick and us not covering ourselves doing the sneezing reaction. I can't believe they kept that in the game.
OK, I just got the line.
I have to take back what I said earlier.

The context of that line isn't actually the recent happenings. It's about winter being the prime time for colds in general. So that line is likely not new.
In that context, it doesnt bother me.

Nah, I got it too and I’m in summer (SH). I like it.
All Isabelle said was a seasonal warning for February being a cold month and prime flu season.

It was not put in for the update, it is not about covid, it is just about not getting a cold.

South Hemisphere has it too cause its just a seasonal/monthly topic that didn't get changed for each hemisphere, even if there is no winter flu season during south hemisphere at this time.
Just in case if anyone didn't know the Festivale Items are available at the Nook shops but the color variants are different. I checked my shop and it has "Red" colors. I did some time travel and found out that you can get all the items but with only one color. The only to get different variants is to go to your friends or someone else's island to find that different color. You can customize them but the it requires feathers which is only available during the event which is time locked.
also this game is meant for kids mainly and being around a lot of kids before, a lot of them dont wash their hands. like my gfs little sister had to be told time and time again to wash her hands and she'd actually throw a fit
they're here!!
I apologize if this was already answered, but are the chocolate and bouquet color-locked?