Festivale Update 1.7.0 - Share what you discovered! [SPOILERS]

Can anyone confirm if the dialogue about washing hands and such is actually new though?
It's possible it was in the game from the start because of the cold/flu season.
Either way, I love that it's in there. What I don't like is our villagers sneezing in our faces when they're sick and us not covering ourselves doing the sneezing reaction. I can't believe they kept that in the game.

That's old dialogue. Present as far back as v1.5 (I can't check any older sources unless someone has some to provide)



That's old dialogue. Present as far back as v1.5 (I can't check any older sources unless someone has some to provide)

View attachment 354023
View attachment 354024

I looked at the data in from the creator's github, which was committed on April 21, 2020. We were on version 1.1.4 back then, so it's not going to be newer than that. So I think it's pretty safe to say it's been in the game since release. :)

The Festivale Flags kinda resemble (to me) the 4 seasons.
Party all year round? lol. Or a count down to Festivale Day...:unsure:
Has anyone tested wether the 4th tier glitch still works? I’d like to update my game, but I’ll have to wait until I’m set on 4th tier decór if the glitch is patched. The same goes for cliff-tree-glitch. Has anyone tested if that is fixed?
I’ve read through the whole thread, but could only find a single mention of it - and it was largely inconclusive.
Has anyone tested wether the 4th tier glitch still works? I’d like to update my game, but I’ll have to wait until I’m set on 4th tier decór if the glitch is patched. The same goes for cliff-tree-glitch. Has anyone tested if that is fixed?
I’ve read through the whole thread, but could only find a single mention of it - and it was largely inconclusive.

Why would they fix the cliff tree glitch? Nobody is having problems with it and it is completely harmless. Edit: I haven't tried it since the update yet.
Why would they fix the cliff tree glitch? Nobody is having problems with it and it is completely harmless. Edit: I haven't tried it since the update yet.
What a silly question to ask a member of this forum. Do not ask me why Nintendo do what Nintendo does; send them an e-mail.

If anyone test these glitches post patch, please let me know.
Has anyone tested wether the 4th tier glitch still works? I’d like to update my game, but I’ll have to wait until I’m set on 4th tier decór if the glitch is patched. The same goes for cliff-tree-glitch. Has anyone tested if that is fixed?
I’ve read through the whole thread, but could only find a single mention of it - and it was largely inconclusive.

I am on 1.7 and I just went on my 4th tier and placed an item. No clue on the tree glitch though, as I haven't ever done that one~
Has anyone tested wether the 4th tier glitch still works? I’d like to update my game, but I’ll have to wait until I’m set on 4th tier decór if the glitch is patched. The same goes for cliff-tree-glitch. Has anyone tested if that is fixed?
I’ve read through the whole thread, but could only find a single mention of it - and it was largely inconclusive.
I have a few cliff edge trees and they're still standing. :)
Just wondering if anyone’s tried gifting the chocolates to villagers. Do they react differently?
I haven’t tried sending a chocolate heart by mail yet, but here’s the current dialogue when gifting one (unwrapped). I didn’t see any change.
Villagers will dance on the festival stage furniture item. It’s really cute and I hope they keep rolling out furniture with this level of interactivity.
Has anyone tested wether the 4th tier glitch still works? I’d like to update my game, but I’ll have to wait until I’m set on 4th tier decór if the glitch is patched. The same goes for cliff-tree-glitch. Has anyone tested if that is fixed?
I’ve read through the whole thread, but could only find a single mention of it - and it was largely inconclusive.

The cliff tree glitch still works! I placed 2 yesterday :)
Has anyone tested wether the 4th tier glitch still works? I’d like to update my game, but I’ll have to wait until I’m set on 4th tier decór if the glitch is patched. The same goes for cliff-tree-glitch. Has anyone tested if that is fixed?
I’ve read through the whole thread, but could only find a single mention of it - and it was largely inconclusive.

If players are putting things on the 4th tier, I don't think Nintendo would patch it without at least forcefully removing items from everyone's 4th tier. Leaving them there after the fix would be game-breaking.