Fire Emblem goes mobile!


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2009
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
New Horizons Token
New Leaf Token
Poptart Easter Egg
Winter Mittens
The latest financial results from Nintendo has been released, which unleashed some interesting information about the company's plan. One of which is that they announced two major IPs landing on mobile this fall, and I'm surprised Mario isn't one of them yet. This time, Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem are going mobile. Yet the latter surprised me more than the former. Since it isn't even mentioned anywhere else on the forums, I figured out I'd post a thread about that, since the franchise is fairly popular.

Of course, we don't know much details about that Fire Emblem game on mobile, aside of the reinforced focus on making the game accessible and perhaps implementing potential micro-transactions. At first, it seemed unrealistic to me, but I can definitely see why would a traditional Fire Emblem game play quite well on an entire capacitative touch screen, despite no longer having the commodity of displaying two screens at once.

I'm interested seeing where all of this goes, be it a full-fledged game or a spinoff of its own. And that includes your opinions, too!

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I'm quite excited for this! Anything with Fire Emblem is enough to get me hyped!
If I can't pet my waifu in class I'll be pissed


I just remembered I can't pet my waifu in any version of the game already

S*** now I need a new waifu
That's cool! I'm no big FE fan, but if its FTP, I might try it out!
First Pokemon, then Animal Crossing, and NOW Fire Emblem. What's next, Star Fox?
First Pokemon, then Animal Crossing, and NOW Fire Emblem. What's next, Star Fox?

lols, or Metriod? Seems like both IPs need a little injection of life back into the franchise.

But anyway, I am exciting for this but not too hopeful. I feel it's gonna be a spin-off as it's on mobile and not major "console". I have the same feeling with AC mobile. Endless runner, tap and collect, tap puzzler or bejewelled game.

I would totally love it if it wasn't a game type that I have mentioned. But as mobile apps are limited in what they can offer, you can see the types of games that are "hits" at the moment and what they offer:

Angry Birds
Plants vs Zombies
Fruit Ninja
Candy Crush
Fallout Shelter
Puzzles and Dragons
Battle Royale

It would be wonderful if Nintendo can create a niche game and reinvent the wheel. But seeing as news are coming in slowly and somewhat "unexciting", I can hardly put faith in Nintendo that they are creating or created something revolutionary. Look at Miitomo - some argue that it's a slim version of Tamagochi Life.

Nintendo may be putting all their resources into the NX at the moment. So some other lines/products may be suffering.

*cough* Star Fox *cough*
*cough* Metriod *cough*

Sorry for the rant.
Honestly, I wish they would have pushed Pokemon more, as that would probably hit the hardcore harder, but whatever, they're getting released in the fall, so I'll save my judgement for it until then...
I would rather not have an entire Fire Emblem game being mobile-only. I think this is a regional/cultural thing though because from what I hear, Japan and the Japanese gaming market in general are just super into mobile gaming. I remember that being a big part of why Hideo Kojima parted ways with Konami, I think; they wanted to focus in on mobile games and he wanted to keep developing with consoles in mind. Call me old fashioned but I definitely agree with him. But again, the American and European markets just aren't as infatuated with mobile gaming as Japan appears to be, so it's one of those things that might do super well on its home front but flop everywhere else.

Or who knows, if it's really spectacular, maybe it would get Western markets more interested in the franchise itself, as well as mobile-exclusive games. I don't really see that happening though... but again, who knows, it's always a possibility. I personally see whatever's coming up as one of those silly apps that people mess around with for a little while but lose interest in. A lot of successful franchises have put those out and interest just withers and dies pretty quickly, which is why I doubt a full-scale Fire Emblem RPG/SRPG would work on mobile only unless it was a Japan exclusive. And so many of the Fire Emblem games never got official English releases to begin with, so adding another? Eh, I'm selfish, I want something I can play too! :p
Happy to hear both Fire Embelm and Animal Crossing on mobile are said to be free to play! Only one thing that's bad about that though... Something is likely bound to be limited due to micro transactions. I hate games in the form of mobile apps for this reason.

Oh well, we'll see once they come out I guess.
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Well, this is a first. With both franchises going to mobile, they easily would gain a lot of new players, adding up to the old ones and making their sales go up a bit higher. Hopefully, I'm expecting that when these games are released, it isn't half-hearted or games that are "just-to-make-income-no-story-involved". Anyway, will be waiting this specially Fire Emblem!