First DLC released...

JOM said:
Brawl did not have DLC...
well they kind of did it was there training for bigger dlc what they did is other brawlers could subbmit there pics stage and videoclips they have ond the best one of the day you could download them but the next day they would be gone
blue2kid3 said:
JOM said:
Brawl did not have DLC...
well they kind of did it was there training for bigger dlc what they did is other brawlers could subbmit there pics stage and videoclips they have ond the best one of the day you could download them but the next day they would be gone
I really wish you would use capitals and punctuation, it's hard to understand what you're trying to say >_<
The fact that players in the US are getting this kind of kills the "Not on Disc" idea.

If it was new content that wasn't already on the CD and was available only in Japan, players here in the US wouldn't be able to get it due to our consoles not having the data and whatnot needed for the item to appear in our game.
Blue Cup said:
The fact that players in the US are getting this kind of kills the "Not on Disc" idea.

If it was new content that wasn't already on the CD and was available only in Japan, players here in the US wouldn't be able to get it due to our consoles not having the data and whatnot needed for the item to appear in our game.
But isn't the point of Animal Crossing making friends from far away?
If you make friends in Japan, they can send you something and the other way around.
I don't see a problem with it.
You're missing the point.

Downloadable Content is supposed to mean that the said item(Pikmin Hat in this case) is an entirely new item with absolutely no data on the disc. If the data with everything inside was in fact a brand new item and was only available in one country and not the others, then we wouldn't be able to see others wear them in-game or pick it up.

Nintendo seems to have jipped us again with the Downloadable Content.
But that still doesn't change the fact that we're seeing and obtaining items that's only available in another country. We don't have the data for the Pikmin hat, so no one outside of Asia should have it. Period.
I have one, and it can be ordered from the catalog.
I could dole them out, but allas, I am banned :3
I'm guessing this is why we had to get the update... Downloadable Content. AND the WiiSpeak, ofcourse.