Zodiac Crossing
Unusual You
Are there any other fish keepers out there? Like, not to eat the fish, but to keep them as pets. I keep a range of fish from guppies to bettas. I was curious if any other people enjoyed keeping fish as pets?
I had a 7ft long salt water fishtank in my bedroom for a couple of years, we had all sorts of awesome fish but a lot of them didn't get along and a few of them committed suicide, and cleaning it was a HUUUUGE process that took forever and smelt god awful. My favorite was a naso tang who was a real sweet heart she loved nori so so much so we would feed her big chunks of it from our hands, none of the other fish really liked the nori. We also had two puffer fish at one point but they both passed sadly. It was a really neat experience having them for a while and honestly I can't say any night light will ever compare to having that beauty to look at all night.
He's pretty, do you have a proper tank for him yet?
I used to have a male betta fish for a while, the halfmoon betta fish are so beautiful and it's crazy how resilient they are, a lot of them get shipped from Thailand in plastic baggies and just arrive through standard postal mail
Oh wow, he is gorgeous! What is his name?
I have a betta, he's my beautiful fish son
(Dunno why that top picture turned sideways)
He likes to play hide and seek :v