Sure, you're free to change anything about her. : D any of the adults other than the tundra would be fine with me as long as you don't mind them heading off to serve Momma later this afternoon.
is irishim suddenly like, unpopular?? or is it just the colors im looking at?? theyre always the ****ty genes, ill take cryface too but its always just really bad genes. why............
I don't think IriShim is really unpopular now, but it's definitely known as one of the more 'basic' genes tbh, since IriShim is insanely common.
Bless rich buying thread receivers. 12k for level 5s is so beautiful.
*Rolls around in piles of money*
wait whos offering 12k for lvl 5s? im not seeing it in either of the dom threads
well now i feel dumb lol i lvled a bunch of my old dragons to 7 to get rid of them and was going to give them to a dom buying thread but wanted to see who was buying fodder for 12k at lvl 5 and now dom is over... xD