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*writes cutely*
Nov 30, 2022
Throwback Tickets
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Lily
Yellow Tulip
Yellow Rose
Yellow Cosmos
i was bored, so i decided to start a thread about flowers. and your opinions on them. i consider them incredibly annoying. sure, theyre pretty. sure, they are colorful. i honestly could not care less. they are the weeds. i have an area where i planted some flowers once. it took me a whole entire half hour to one hour to remove/move them all. the worst thing is, im trying to make a jungle type build, right? so i cover an entire cliff area with weeds. i wait two weeks, three even. some of them are still at stage one. and then people are like “oh watch out for weeds growing”. other than that, though, i love the flowers and how you can breed them. i accidentally randomly breeded black roses and they’re so cute. plus, flowers look really, really good in my cemetery build, almost like the loved ones brought flowers to the graves. too bad I don’t have any actual graves yet lol. but that’s a minor detail.

wow. this is long. if you don’t feel like reading that, here’s a brief summary:
i like flowers but i also really hate them. you’re welcome.
I like the flowers. There’s so many different ways to use them. I don’t use them in a uniform way and scatter them around. Keeping them next to items and weeds help keep them from mass spawning, so they’re pretty easy for me to keep up with.

I like doing themes with my islands so currently I’m using pink and white flowers
I love the flowers I do not mind having them everywhere cause they are pretty to look at I just hate when weeds spread all around
I love flowers in ACNH but they can easily get out of control if you let them! If it gets too annoying then I'll put down some invisible tiles to prevent flowers from spreading.
i honestly really love the flowers. i think they’re so pretty, and i love decorating with them + coming up with different flower combos for decorating. being able to craft wreaths and flower crowns with them is pretty rad, too.

my only complaint about them is how rapidly they grow. 5 minutes of snow or rain on my island, and the next day i’ll have 50+ flowers to dig up. i’ve ended up with an over abundance of flowers as a result, and i’ve placed transparent custom designs on the ground around them to prevent anymore from growing. i just wish getting rid of them wasn’t so tedious. it’d be cool if you could still just pick flowers up like you could in past games, or if leif offered a flower clean-up service like he does for weeds. that would definitely help make flowers less of a pain to deal with lol
I like them, and I use them to decorate areas that I can't find anything small enough to fit in. But I really dislike how quickly they grow, and how cumbersome it is to move them about.

Dig them up, shovel break, get new shovel, dig more up, move them to new area, whoops, one was planted just a pixel shy of where it was supposed to go, dig it back up, plant, go back to the bundle of flowers, dig them up, repeat. The breaking tools mechanic really doesn't help.
I love the flowers. They are fun to decorate with. I love going around my island and finding new hybrids. I just wish the different flowers came in all colors. I wanted to do an all purple/blue/white flower island but not all flowers have blue and purple. I also wish the purple roses were not so dark . They don’t look right next to the blue roses.
I love how you don't have to water them to keep them from wilting like in WW, and I'm so happy you can run over them and not have them be destroyed. I also really like seeing them sway in the wind, I love the NH flowers!
love animal crossing's flowers! the whole hybrids/breeding mechanic is such a unique and fun part of the game. also adore all the craftables you can make with them. would love for them to continue adding more colours (gradation/ombre anyone??) and species in the next entry, although I do agree that without the wilting feature they do propagate like crazy