Found Raymond at my campsite!!! has anyone else found good villagers in theirs?

congrats!! while i’ve had my fair share of campers that i consider to be good (miranda, benedict, etc), my best and favourite camper thus far has definitely been audie! i’ve also had a few popular campers as well, such as judy and julian. :’)
I kid you not, Raymond was my very first camper ever since I started back in March of 2020. He's no longer in my island, I replaced him with Chadder, but I will bring him back.

On my 2nd Island I really must say the villagers I'm glad I found were Julian, Cheri and Apollo. I legit thought it was Frank as I was playing a guessing game on what villager it could be. I had my hopes up, but it was shot down, still happy it was Apollo, I didn't take him, however.
Some popular ones I've had as campers were Merengue, Judy, Cyd and Reneigh. I invited only Reneigh. Had no interest in the others.

As for Raymond, I used the campsite method to get him. It cost me 3 days of my life I'm never getting back. 🤪
on my old island, i found judy in my campsite! it was a pleasant surprise :)
i also got murphy, fang, and marshal from my campsite :p
I had Judy a few weeks ago and Carmen a couple days ago. Didn't take either of them because I already have snooties and peppies but they were nice surprises.
I've honestly never had anyone show up in mine that I'd want to keep, usually I'm out of the tent quicker than I went in.
I had Judy in my campground and really wanted to have her, but I wasn’t quite yet ready to let any of my current villagers go yet at the time.
I had Judy, Molly, Zell, Erik (not sure if he's popular), and Sherb I think. I invited Judy and Zell, I let Molly go but since then I adopted her from tbt. But lately it's so rare to have someone visit the campsite that I've given up on using it to get villagers.
I got a few villagers I lived from the campsite and get some new favorites from there too, though not all of them are popular
  • fang - my first cranky and I had him in city fold and loved him. I try to have different villagers across my games so I ended up trading him for wolfgang who is now a forever resident!
  • Freya - my first snooty (got lucky with 2 wolves when they're one of my favorite species in the game) and both her appearance and personality were great. I didn't want two wolves on my island though since I wanted some diversity so I ended uo giving her away
  • Lopez - my first smug and deer in the game! I loved him but I wanted zell and couldn't have two smug deer so I had to let him move out
  • Raymond - my next smug! I loved his office style house interior and the fact that he's a smug cat so I took him right away and added some furniture to his house to turn it into a clinic. Another permanent resident
  • Bunnie - she's one of the villagers I've always loved but never had in a game so I was so excited when she turned up in my campsite. I already had Ruby and I didn't want two rabbits but I had her replace Diana for a little while to get her photo before eventually moving her out with Dianas amiibo card
  • Spike - a new personal favorite! I liked his design and house interior and his gruff style suited the cranky personality so well. I eventually moved him out for another snooty villager but he was great!
I wish I could say yes but in general my campsite on coral key is where every ugly villager in the game eventually ends up. I've had some truly horrible ones visit me. I won't name names but yikes!! I rarely have good villagers come to the campsite. I had Audie once, which was the closest I ever came to one I'd want but at the time I wasn't ready to move anyone out so I let her go.

Recently I also had Goldie and Ahnka on my second island but I could not pass their card game and they kept selecting villagers I wanted to keep so after several hours I let them go. I look at the campsite like it's bad luck, I don't think I've ever had a successful move in that wasn't just an amiibo!
Honestly my best camper was Fauna. 99% of the time I instantly just turn around and leave because they're so hideous LOL.
For me the campsite has been really good for finding villagers I wouldn’t have otherwise considered or hunted for. Fauna was one of these, I got her in my campsite early on and had not really thought I would like her, but she was very cute and I ended up having her on my island for quite a while. Same thing happened with Fuchsia, and Ike. Ike may be my favorite cranky of all, and was not on my radar at all before, so that was a really great campsite find. Charlise is another villager where I wasn’t looking for her but after seeing her in my campsite I decided I liked her, though in that case I was sadly unable to get her to move in. And shep and freya I moved in from the campsite, and they won’t ever be favorites but it was fun to give them a chance and I liked more than expected.

in terms of traditional luck, I have not found many villagers who were already favorites or who I was actively searching for, but I did have Willow show up (did not have time to keep resetting long enough to move her in), and Soleil who I think is one of the prettiest villagers and is still on my main island.

On my second island I found Judy and ursala, both of who I particularly was hoping to find. I found tangy too, and O’Hare was my first camper but sadly I let them go sooner than I would have liked because they were the only villagers I could bear to move out at certain moments.

Other popular villagers I had visit are Sherb and Maple and Kyle. I didn’t invite them, but it was fun to see them still. Kyle, from pictures I thought would look creepy but he was actually okay. And maple was cute but I didn’t like her quite as much as my normals at the time (flurry and maple) or want to replace anyone else.

Basically, even though it can be frustrating and o have had some villagers I really didn’t like show up (I swear I have somehow had Colton show up twice, even though I haven’t time traveled much or gone through all the smugs) and I wish there were more frequent visitors, I love the campsite, and generally I feel like my experience overall has been more lucky than now.
I found all my villagers at the campsite, including Raymond, Ankha, and Julian. Merry was the last one I got there. By the time I got to her I had maybe 20 villagers left to see. Took me 3 real-life weeks of constant time travel. I've literally been through the entire roster of villagers at least once and don't check my campsite anymore. Never again. 🤪
We have Marina in our campsite today, but my son won't let anyone else leave our island now, so we have to let whoever stays there leave.
Returning to this thread to say I found Iggly today! Was considering either him or Antonio for my jock villager and I guess that solves that.
I like the jock villagers that are stereotypical “cute” animals. sir why are you talking about your biceps you are a penguin
Returning to this thread to say I found Iggly today! Was considering either him or Antonio for my jock villager and I guess that solves that.
I like the jock villagers that are stereotypical “cute” animals. sir why are you talking about your biceps you are a penguin

same! When hamlet talks about his muscular my dude your body is a sphere.

iggly is so so cute 🤩. He tests my resolve to not have a three jock island.
I haven't had any of my favorite villagers show up at the campsite.... that I know of. I can't tell you how many times I've opened the game, had Isabelle announce that there's a camper, got excited to see who it was, and then by the time my character walks out of their house I've already forgotten. Then the next day, during Isabelle's announcements, I'll remember that I forgot to check the campsite. Anyway, I try not to think about who my incredibly forgetful brain may have caused me to miss out on. 😅
I forgot I captured the moment. Two days before Christmas. I was in shock.

I've had Bunnie, Croque, Eunice, and Freya in my campsite! I ended up taking Bunnie, Croque and Eunice, but eventually let Eunice go, so I still have Croque and Bunnie on my island!