Found Raymond at my campsite!!! has anyone else found good villagers in theirs?

It's getting to the point I'm not looking forward to when a campsite villager shows up. Notable mentions are gorillas and the squirrel with the unibrow; Hazel is it? I appreciate that they've heard good things about my island, but there's no chance of them staying. I just walk in and then back out.
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Today i logged in and Isabelle said that Zucker moved in. He’s a completely random move in but for some reason I was thinking about him today before I even found out.

EDIT: oops just realized that this thread is about campsite villagers and not random move ins. sorry lol
I was super lucky when I first started, my first camper which you have to take was Marshal. I seem to have the best luck for villagers on my 2nd island though, I started off well on my first island, got Stitches as one of my original 5. My campers for my main island now though are just not what I'm after, my latest one was Ribbot :D
I got Ankha, Whitney and Apollo consecutively, I invited all three naturally. I let Ankha move but Whitney and Apollo are still residing in Moonshire. :blush:
Raymond was one of my first campers! I almost lost my mind - especially since it was so close to when the game released and people online were going feral over him lol. I felt like I really lucked out.

Other than that, I honestly don't really get many good ones (I've never invited one to stay on my island since Raymond)
I got Judy a couple of months ago. I forgot when exactly; I’d have to check my switch. I have been reluctant to let her leave because she has no card even though she took up one of the spots I was going to use for cycling. I’ve seen plenty of villagers who I was interested in but passed them up because I didn’t get a pic yet from the temporary villagers. I’ve seen (not in order): Katt, Cleo, Felicity, Rolf. There might have been others, but I can’t think of them atm.
Well, my first camper was Graham, who's one of my preferred smugs! I had him forever in New LEaf and he's so adorable... which is why I was so confused when my friend was like "Oh, you have Graham? I'm so sorry..." 😅

And then one time my mom was downstairs with me and I was like, "Oh, I have a camper." and she was like "...Congrats?" and I'm like, "Well, it's good if I like them, but normally it's someone I- OHMYGODIT'SMAPLE! MAPLE IS HERE!" I was SUPER pumped because she was the very first villager I ever met in any Animal Crossing game ever and she's so cute 🥺

Other then that I don't generally have a lot of luck. I'm pretty sure I've had Clay multiple times- he's one of my least favorite villagers, and he haunts me 😒
I've been super lucky so far on my recent island, and have been able to move in both cookie and merengue from the campsite 🥺
Raymond visited my campsite last Sunday and he moved in. I lost Whitney in the process. To be fair, Raymond is the only camper that I have wanted to move in.
The best villager I ever gotten at my campsite was Molly, because oh my god she was a pain to find. I spent 2 months nook mile hunting just to look for her, but I couldn't find her so I gave up. However one day in June 2020 when Isabelle told me I had someone at the campsite I was just like "okay I'll check if its molly I will scream" and sure enough there she was. I remember just feeling so angry and so excited at the same time. She's on my campsite and I finally let her move in! After losing the card game 10 times I won and she picked Ruby to leave and I was alright with that. She's been on my island since then and I am going to protect her at all costs! Here is the proof from June 2020:
I have had some good luck with the campsite in the past.

I had Daisy show up who I ended up moving in.

I have also seen Bob, Reneigh, Chief and Tia.
My campsite visitors generally aren't very good... but today Dom showed up! I never really wanted him before, but it's the first time coming across a new villager, and he sort of fits with the Easter theme, so I invited him. He first wanted to kick out Zucker, which wasn't happening because I prefer his lazy starter home and then Fauna.... who I love. I have Fauna's amiibo, so I'll have to kick out someone else later. Probably Carmen after Easter. 😕
Recently, Audie showed up in my camp site. She's been on my island before and I had already earned her photo but I was so excited to see her again that I wanted to invite her back. And, oddly enough, I didn't even have to play a card game with her. I talked to her and she immediately offered to move in. That's the first time I've gotten that lucky with a villager.