Giveaway FREE New Leaf Help! All fruits, Sanrio and other RV's, orderable DLC items & HHD items, weeds, item transfer, & more! [CLOSED]

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Hi, it's me again (sorry). It's the fishing tourney today & Chip has a tendency to give me the same items. Would I be able to come over to your town for the tourney? I was looking at this thread on TBT:

@HollyBush No need to be sorry, I'm always happy to help people. I can let you visit for the fishing tourney. If you're still around, I can open my gate for you now. :)
I'm around, for some reason TBT logged me out even though I was online earlier, so I only just saw your response.

Have you handed any fish in yet? I need to know what size fish to catch.
@HollyBush I have not participated in the fish tourney at all. I'm only available for the next 20 minutes right now, so if you want to bring your fish, you'll need to visit very soon. I'll have my gate open, so you can hop over anytime if you're ready.

I'll be back again at 4:30 my time, but that's probably very late for you, I think after midnight, so that might not work. I'm sorry if I miss you right now.
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That's ok, I can do 4.30 your time. I'm a night owl too & since tomorrow is Sunday I can afford to be up late. I don't have any fish on me right now so I'll stock up for when you return. Which type of fish is Chip asking for in your town?
Ok, I'll try & catch some. Hopefully now the tourney is over in my town they'll return. They usually pop up everywhere but I think today they knew a beaver was looking to eat them & went into hiding. Usually the problem I have is catching lots of fish but getting the same items over & over.

I'll see you in a few hours with any luck. Thanks for letting me visit again.
Guess I must have missed you. The fishing tourney is over in my town now. Sorry. Maybe next time.
I did go to the tourney on my alt, I think you must have missed me since I was in the southern bit of your town. Btw that post said you have to beat the host's score & you don't get ranked but a villager called Antonio set a score of 45 something inches that I had to beat. Most of the fish I brought over were too small but I did have 1 that got me an item & I managed to catch another while I was there. I did manage to get a couple of items from the set despite my bad luck with the tourney, though.

I would have filled you in last night / this morning but my pc wifi went down so I took it as a sign to go to bed. Thanks for letting me go over.
@HollyBush Oh, good, you made it! I had my 3DS closed while I left my gate open, so I wasn't watching at all. I just figured you'd say something here if you were coming over. But I'm glad you were able to visit and at least get something.

I guess the later in the day it is, the higher score the villagers will have, or something? Perhaps if you want to try it again next time, I can let you visit when it's earlier in the day for me.
Yep, the scores go up. They definitely seem to go up in the last hour when the tourney is coming to a close.

Can I come over again today? I have that initiative for the estate agency again & a villager has a petition. I also managed to save some meow coupons on my alts for Admiral's items if it's ok to visit him? I would have to swap, though, because of the 3 item per day limit.
Ok, I just saw your post. For some reason I wasn't getting the red exclamation mark to alert me. I'll head on over now on my mayor, she's got some spare saplings & bushes you can give away if anyone wants them.

Edit: I might need to make a 2nd trip to see Admiral. I forgot I ordered 3 items from Wendell earlier today. I got all the signatures & got the initiative done, though, so I'll swap to my other 2 characters now.
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@HollyBush I left my gate open and my 3DS closed, so I hope you were able to visit to get what you needed. If you need to visit again, please let me know, and I'll be happy to open my gate for you again.

If you'd like, I can order three items from Admiral myself and give them to you when they arrive. Just let me know which items you'd like.
I decided to boot up my old New Leaf town after several years, and I'd to help out other people, if anyone needs anything. There's no charge for these services, I'll help you out for free. :)

NOTE: I probably won't keep this thread bumped, because the board isn't that active, but I will always check for posts here every day! So you can post even if it's been a while since the last post here, and I'll definitely see it and help you out if I can!

My Friend Code: 4055-9210-5105
My Town: Caloom

Things I Can Offer:
all non-perfect fruits
access to all shops on Main Street (includes Katrina and T&T Emporium)
a safe place to store your items for restarting/transferring purposes
visits for petitions to be signed or to drop off Katie
RV's for shopping
orderable DLC items for catalog (ones normally unobtainable in-game, like the notebook set! ask and see if I have what you want)
weeds to pick for the weeding badge
some orderable items (my catalog is far from complete, but maybe I'll have what you're looking for)
maybe more, ask and see if I can help you!

Here are the RV's I can scan:
all six Sanrio
Wolf Link
Isabelle (winter outfit)

Things that I CAN'T offer (so please don't ask):
hybrid flowers
perfect fruits
unorderable items
anything involving time traveling

Rules if you Visit:
Please don't chop down trees, I need them to grow fruit to give to people.
...That's it! You can run anywhere you like, take any items or flowers or anything you see, buy everything from the shops, talk to villagers, etc.

So, feel free to post here if you need anything, and we can exchange friend codes and arrange at time to connect. :)
Hi! I would love to stop by some time, I’m in EST and usually am online in the morning ~10-11AM and/or 3-5PM. Looking for persimmons, cherries, oranges and apples. Also would LOOOOVE to browse your catalogue, I’ve been working at building mine up. Im specifically looking for a claw foot tub. Will probably order and visit the shops, plus get a Katrina reading! Is there anything you want/need that I can bring?
@juniperemma I have all of the fruits, so you're more than welcome to visit to get any of them that you need. I have no way to let you browse my catalog, unfortunately. I haven't kept track of it on any websites or anything, and there is no in-game feature that allows players to view one another's catalogs. But I can order a claw-foot tub for you and give it to you when you visit for the fruit.

I can let you visit right now for the fruit, if you're available. Or tomorrow at around 3PM Eastern time (which is noon for me on Pacific time, if I'm calculating the time zones correctly) for the claw-foot tub, too. What is your friend code?
@juniperemma I have all of the fruits, so you're more than welcome to visit to get any of them that you need. I have no way to let you browse my catalog, unfortunately. I haven't kept track of it on any websites or anything, and there is no in-game feature that allows players to view one another's catalogs. But I can order a claw-foot tub for you and give it to you when you visit for the fruit.

I can let you visit right now for the fruit, if you're available. Or tomorrow at around 3PM Eastern time (which is noon for me on Pacific time, if I'm calculating the time zones correctly) for the claw-foot tub, too. What is your friend code?
Dang, I totally thought I could browse the Emporium catalogue. No worries though, I would love to visit tomorrow at 3 for the tub and shops! I can come now for the fruit too, my friend code is 4F00-01D1-C799
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