Friend Code Exchange!!

Add me -
Fc - 2638 - 3231 - 8814

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Added you, add me
Fc - 2638-3231-8814
Name - sammie
Added you, add me
Fc - 2638-3231-8814
Name - sammie

Hi everyone :) please add me and then let's exchange friend codes!
Friend Code:1521-5931-7441
Name: Sue
Town Name:Fantasia

Add me
Name: BigGamer
Rep to Codix

My friend code is 2552-2061-9824 anyone can add me just inbox me letting me know if you have and I'll add back   My name is Jojay and my town name is solitary

Woo! So many new friends to add :D I will pm all those that I've been able to add^^

Please add me :D
FC: 0619-3139-3762
Town: Minamo
Name/Mayor Name: gazea9r/ Mayor miralin

Name: Joanna
Town name: Monotown
FC: 4141-3515-9598

Add me people!

Name: krissy
Town: Oscarvil
Fc: 2638-0776-3217

Pm me if you added me with your fc and I'll add you back :)
Add me please I love seeing others towns as well as having people visit me, my fc is 2723-8553-1392.
Add me as well if you have at least 5 wifi ratings and aren't brand new! Let me know if you do it and I'll add you back and we can schedule a meetup ;)

Let's revitalize this thread!
Hey all add me then let me know and I'll add you back!! I love visiting new AC towns and I'm a good guest! Let me know if you add me so I can add you back!!

FC: 0490-5064-8238
Name: Keeks
Town name: Chibiton
Hi everyone! I think I've been to all of one town and mine is kind of a mess but I'd love to get out and peek! My code is 0920-0866-0820 and it's called Compound!
Hi GamerDude5600.

My AC:NL name is, and I quote:
That is my name.

My Mii name is Poppy.

My town name is DIE!

My Friend Code is 2509-4073-2348.

My opinion is that Friend Codes SUCK. Why do they have to make it so hard to make friends? Why can't Nintendo Network work like any other functional network where you can meet someone, like their style and send a friend request their way? Why can't you send a private messages to people instead of just hoping they'll try to join you? Why can't you invite friends to a discussion? Why are there so few games where you can play with non-friends?
Why? Why?! WHY?!?!

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Alright, ZOriginalAnimal, I'll friend you. Nintendo Network name Poppy, FC 2509-4073-2348, Town name DIE!.
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hi my friend code is 3239 4201 3868 my name is serena and my town name is fire city yeah I know soo creative lol please join me I'm just fixing my internet soo I will be ready for people to come soon
hi my friend code is 3239 4201 3868 my name is serena and my town name is fire city yeah I know soo creative lol please join me I'm just fixing my internet soo I will be ready for people to come soon


p.s whoever adds me plz let me know by PM or skype: xbk360x
I added you. I play everyday. Please add me too.

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Added you too Niemyx. Add me?

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Hey Serena! I added you. I play everyday! Town is Beaufleu. Add me?

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Hey TahliaMarie! I added you! I play everyday and open my gate often. Would also like to visit you!

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I added you MyV. Add me.

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Hey RobinHoody, I added you previously. Add me? I play everyday.
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