Friend Code Exchange!!

Please add me my friend code is 1650-2454-7592 my town is hyrule and my character's name is Casey. Have many different fruits 😊
Please add me! My town is moderately developed. Just one construction going on (upgrading a bridge). I have all fruits but only one perfect fruit which is the perfect pear. My towns called Locketel and my name is Ophilia. FC is in my bio to the left.

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Hey can you add me? FC: 0963-2412-1866

I promise I will be good and I will not touch anything without permission ^_^

Anyone can use, I added you all.

I've added you! Please add me - 0877-1405-3860

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I've added you! Please add me - 0877-1405-3860
I'm a great guest as well. Will ask permission first while there. :) Gate is open.

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Please add me

Some info in my signature

I've added you as well. Please add me - 0877-1405-3860 Thank you!
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Hey. Feel free to add me if you like. Leave me a message if you do so I can add you back. I'm on most nights and the weekend. :)
Add me my name is Emily town is Everlast :D

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Hello! I am gonna add you add me back pls :D
Anyone want to be my ACNL friend? im revamping my town, i havent plaied in a while. my friend code is: 2723-9208-4337, message me with your FC and let me know if you've added me. If you add me before i add you, Mandii is my name.
Anyone want to be my ACNL friend? im revamping my town, i havent plaied in a while. my friend code is: 2723-9208-4337, message me with your FC and let me know if you've added me. If you add me before i add you, Mandii is my name.

Added my fc is on the left and my name is steph
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I have pretty much no friends added yet lol So, If anyone wants to add me you can and I will also add you. Just let me know :)