Friend Code Exchange!!

If anyone sees this, I would love to add some peeps! :D

ID: Gracleface
IGN: Grace
Town: Astrea

- Grace
I actually have to take care of some stuff, but i'll be on in about an hour if you're still on!

Thanks for adding me! :lemon:
Hey can you add me? FC: 0963-2412-1866

I promise I will be good and I will not touch anything without permission ^_^

Anyone can use, I added you all.
My info is on the left bar. My sisters and I look forward to meeting some of our fellow ACNL players soon. We usually play around 7pm-11pm ET, but may be active starting 11am during the holidays.

Happy 2016!
I've added you! My FC is on the side. ^^
It would be great if you would add me as well. If you put me down you can use AJ and my town is Paris
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Nadia in Trepang.
I'm new, and I'd like to get foreign fruits. Can anyone help me out with that? I don't have much to offer in return, unfortunately :/
Add me for a well developed town (I've gotten pretty far in AC:NL)

Mii Name: Lavarocks
Town Name: Graypool

Look at my signature for friend code or my user info!
Would love some friends! You can set my name as Sami and our town is Kittyry. Friend code should be in profile info.
My town is probably pretty under-developed for having existed for more than a year, but oh well, feel free to add me!
3695-0905-7667, and the name is Cam c:
Code: 3411-3290-6838
I really need a perfect cherry! Just 1! ;)
Town name: ColdBurn
Villagers: Rasher, Rocket, Bud, Gabi, Ava, Gwen, and Lucky
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