• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

[Friend Code Trading Thread] Creating a 3DS, Swapnote, AC:NL and turnip community!

Hello, my name is Tiera and I am a USA player (BTW I play on my brothers 3DS so I show up as michael lol)
My FC is: 5069-4431-2268
Feel free to add me, if you do just post or PM me so I can add you back :)

My native friut is peaches and I would love to trade fruits (I really want some apples)
Hey Yall, Add me at 4210-4067-8735
Message me or leave a visitors message with your FC so I can add you back :3
I also have an extra Hero's Cap for the first person who claims it.
Hello! I'm a brazilian player and I'm online most of the time for the next days.
My town is named Fantasea and I have oranges as my native fruit. I'm growing cherries, pears, coconuts, durians and lemons at the moment (none to pick yet).
My friend code is: 2509-1743-4500.
Looking to visit other towns and willing to give some oranges to whoever visits.
No running on my town though, trying to get rid of those brown patches :(
Feel free to add and PM me if you do :)
Hi! My name is Taylor and my AC town is a little coastal village named Skye. I'm a US player, and my native fruit is peaches. My friend code is 2981-5972-5526. Add me and message me if you do~
I'm Nicole and my friend code is 0087-3006-7321. I have oranges, pears, durians, mangoes, and bananas so far. The others haven't grown yet. My town is called Pingburg!
I just got my bundle today, my FC is on my siggy, please let me know if you add me :D.
My town's name is Rakuen and I have apples. Hope you join me in game!
Everyone add me please I've added all of you!
Hey people! None of my real friends play AC, so I'm basically looking for someone to play with. ;) Go ahead and add me and PM me if you do ;)
FC: 2191-7789-1729
Name: Anders
Town: Tinytown
Fruits: Cherries and some apples
someone add me and message me i'll add you back (i got apples and cherries)

Name: Mitchell
Town: Paradise
FC: 1246-9311-7908
Hello, new to this forum.
Name: Austin
Town: Magic
FC: 3437-4345-1584

Message me if you have added and also tell me your friend code and I will add you as well. Thanks :)
New Friends!

Hello everyone. I am new to the forums, but not to Animal Crossing. I've been playing for almost 10 years - since the Gamecube version. New Leaf is highly addicting, I must say, but there is one thing that I would like to expand on - multiplayer. I have virtually no real life friends that play AC, so I joined these forums to try to make some new, AC-loving friends!

Anywho, my friend code is 5455-9523-2017. Please add me, or leave me yours and I'll add you!