Does anyone know if the DLC items will be different for the upcoming month?
I was so surprised to get this today! Glad I didn't buy it during that one phase where so many were overcharging just to catalog it. *eyeroll*The DLC from the post office/Pelly/Phyllis for June 2014 in North America is the Clerk's Shirt. This is the first time the Clerk's Shirt DLC has been released officially in North America.
Does anyone know if the sprout table, cherry-blossom clock and leaf bed was only available last year or is only available in America this year? Because I tried to get the leaf bed last month but I just got the Gemini closet. And I forgot to ask for the sprout table and cherry-blossom clock the last two month but I guess I would have just gotten the zodiac furniture. Oh and I live in Europe btw, I live in Sweden.
My Japanese version players just received Flamenco Hats attached to letters from Nintendo delivered by Pete.
My Korean version players just received Red-Horned Hats attached to letters from Nintendo delivered by Pete.
It is.Woo! The red-horned hat at last! Is it actually orderable like moridb says?
It is.
It appears that, starting today, European version players can receive a Steamed-Bun Case from Nintendo Zone hotspots.
It appears that, starting today, European version players can receive a Steamed-Bun Case from Nintendo Zone hotspots.
Is this true? XD
That's crazy... If only we all knew this would happen a year ago lol