Future buildings and island design

Would you prefer more standalone buildings on your island, if they were offered?

  • No more buildings! My island is full!

    Votes: 9 15.0%
  • Yes to more standalone buildings— I’ve got room!

    Votes: 51 85.0%

  • Total voters
I haven’t even finished decorating my island so I have room. I definitely would love to have some more stand alone buildings. I especially wanted a cafe or something food related (bakery).
I think I’ll have room but I don’t know until I’ve teraformed my island I’ll be careful when I do so I have room for more buildings like the cafe and new shops hopefully
It’s interesting to see how many people could fit more onto their island, compared to those who cannot. The main argument that I hear against standalones is that after a year+ of playing, players would be unable to fit more onto their islands. I don’t think this is necessarily the case, although I concede that graphics-wise, there are issues with lag and framerates that more needs to be worked on under the hood to make it possible.
I really want more buildings in New Horizons as I feel the game is missing a lot of features, and I think adding more buildings would allow players to design more themed/specific areas on their isalnd according to the building/how it looks.
I think adding more buildings would allow players to design more themed/specific areas on their isalnd according to the building/how it looks.
Personally I think it would limit creativity, not enhance it.
The buildings would mean that people would have to incorporate them into their islands. And since the buildings would have a set look and purpose, there is only so much you can do outside the building.

For example, if we did get brewsters as its own building, people would need to tear down areas that have themes that have nothing to do with a cafe, and replace it with something that works as an exterior to a cafe. So tables and stuff.
And this would be on every island.

And since the island, while big, isn't all that big, more buildings means more space dedicated to those buildings.
So less room for creativity over all.

Also, lots of people have themed islands. More buildings that don't fit with the theme, might break it completely. Meaning that what they have been working to make is now gone.

So I would argue, that if we got more buildings for our island. Our creativity would be severely limited, and all our islands would start looking the same.
I’d like more buildings for my island, mostly the cafe, or something similar, and the police station. I don’t have a lot of room on my island, though I’d make room for these two, so ideally I’d like any further buildings to be optional and/or be located somewhere away from the island, such as in a shopping district which could be home to any extra buildings that could be visited through a trip on Dodo Airlines.
You make a good point. Everyone’s exterior to the cafe would be the same. There may be different items for sure, but all in all, tables and chairs are tables and chairs. People have done creative things on their own, proving that a Roost isn’t necessary. It’s also confirmed to be part of the museum when it does come.
I voted yes. We could always use extra content. If someone has their island full and doesn't want to add said content/buildings to their island, then they should have the option to opt out and not be forced to find a spot for whatever it is. I don't think it would be fair to hold back on extra island content because others may have a full island and it also wouldn't be fair to force people happy with their island to find a spot.
please more buildings I've run out of ideas for my island and it's only half full I'm not creative meeeep
I could definitely use some more standalone buildings!

I mainly want more buildings because I always create condensed areas. On my current village, all my houses are in a nice little area that I enjoy, and I don't want to move them. My house is there too. But then there's tonnnns of dead space that I don't know what to do with. I would love to fill it with other buildings! I think I'm much better (and more creative) when it comes to decorating around things rather than creating something and decorating it. I'm also able to create more cohesive paths with buildings. My village is kind of chaos atm because of that. So, it would be beneficial to me for sure!

It would be neat if they could be whatever you wanted. Pick a building, pick what the outside looks like, maybe even pick whatever size you want, then do whatever the heck you want inside. Very similar to HHD! It could go something like:

"You want to create a new building? Okay! What size should it be?" [shows sizes with prices]
"What should it look like?" [choose exterior / colours / etc.]
"What should it be called? We can always change it later!" [type in name of building]
"Great! That will be XX amount of bells. Go find a place for it!"

Will they implement this? Probably not. But now I really hope they do. :, )
I don't know why some people don't like the idea of having more standalone buildings. I for one welcome this because it will at least give more variety on the island and I can finally build a town that my original idea was for the old island before it was deleted.