Game Soundtracks

To celebrate it's full release today, here's some more sweet Crypt of the NecroDancer beats!

Coral Riff is such an interesting boss fight. Plus, his tentacles actually play the music, so as you defeat his tentacles, some instruments start getting removed from the song. It's neat! ;D
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I really love Ōkami's soundtrack, but I'm very biased because it's my all time favourite game.

I also love soundtracks from SNES games, in particular F-Zero.
I really need to get Okami. I played the DS sequel, Okamiden, and that was really fun. ;D

So. Something I never knew about Crypt of the NecroDancer.. different characters actually have different soundtracks! There are three, one for each main story character. Cadence, who you play as at first and is the game's "Normal" mode, has the original Danny Baranowsky soundtrack. Melody, the second character and about the same difficulty as Cadence, has a sort of dubsteppy soundtrack by A_Rival, remixing Danny's original tunes. And Aria, the game's EXPERT MODE.. you get a metal soundtrack by FamilyJules7x. Dagger only, one hit and your dead, skip a beat and you're dead, AND you START in the final zone. It's tough!

This music is pretty much perfect when you've completely mastered the game. It's an extremely difficult expert challenge, alright. But this music makes it all the better.

( I am so dreading playing Aria on All Zones Mode ;_; )
Professor layton and the last specter

My first Layton game (I played them chronologically) And the music was so beautiful. ben the title screen made me sit and listen intently
I'll admit, the MK8 version is pretty good, but I still prefer the original
Plus the quality in the recording is boss tbh
Just put the song on my phone today so I can listen to it when I'm biking lmao

Just about any soundtrack from a Monster Hunter or Sonic the Hedgehog game (except Sonic Boom, that soundtrack is so bland and uninspired).
man i was playing smash on gaur plains this morning and this came on and wowowow

shoutout to the game this is from that i've never heard of
this is some hxc stuff

The day I started this game, I had inexplicably gotten a severe migraine as I was going through the tutorial.
Laid down while the game was still running, and it's music managed to get me to relax enough to go to sleep.
Ever since, I listen to it when I want to calm down. c:

Kancolle has some really nice BGM. Shame I don't have time to invest in the game with all the other games I'm playing :(

Besides AC, the newest game I have is Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe zel. I wasn't expecting 16-bit music when I got it, but I do like it a bit. The tracks do take a bit to really get started, however.

Here's the track for my favorite level in the game, Icy Islands.
