- Antonio's RNG post feels genuine and so does epona's and Aerious's objections to it.
- Aerious defended/propped up Endless pretty early on and that being a team would be absolutely terrifying. Kat notably disagreed with said propping up. Relevant messages:
because i have confidence in the fact that what he provides will be value regardless of role. if he flips maf later, everything he's said can be nitpicked. if he's town, i trust that he'll be able to read between the lines and provides points that some skim over/deem irrelevant. regardless of alignment, he's going to nitpick players for more information and clarification. he's someone that provides stability and draws information out of people
eehhhhhhh I don't like that line of thought. If someone is scum, they should go. I feel like that's setting thread up to brush him under the rug because "he's useful either way"
If Kat v. Aerious is t/w, hoo boy. I also didn't like how much Aerious kept on saying that maf can coast this game - projection perhaps? They're not coasting tho so ehh. Still rubbed me the wrong way.
- mog didn't really post anything that tells me much about that slot's alignment (big surprise), this did strike me as a bit sheepy and just an easy opinion for a scum to toss out to look helpful, though:
no offence but i have nothing to contribute to this discussion as it seems pointless and cloggy, it's also midnight so i'm mostly catching up on the thread, antonio is just being kind of defensive but i think he usually is lol
Epona hard agreed with this post which is interesting because it's, as I said, nothing really new or original.
Early on guav@ expressed support for the "don't keep people around" point, +1.
Ace didn't seem particularly helpful early on. Just posted easy coasty content and questions which appear useful at first glance. Tensu at least gave actual opinions on thread happenings. Kat felt his meme posting was forced and I somewhat agree.
Endless, to his credit, did really try hard to get people talking on a very dry D1, beyond just Ace's more coasty questions, but I again am coming back to the fact that I, in a round about way, lowkey like the info guav@ got from their reaction test.
Guav@ has been on Endless's ass for a long time. This is all the way from page 8 D1
with how little has actually happened since last night and EOD is in ~12 hrs, if not a whole lot happens i'm casting my vote for endless.
purely just bcos i don't like when ppl try that hard to steer/control the game. it's a game, you should be able to work with the content that the players provide without adding caveats.
This is in response to Kat going "gun to your head who's maf" and bleeds genuine to me.
Ronishy, after wanting to go all out on Karen memes, gets leery of memeing and seems to align against Ace early on, which is intriguing. Not sure what to make of it really except I do agree with Kat that Ace's tone really sounds pretty off to me for a lot of D1. It really sounds like he's joining in the meme crowd as a "how do you do, fellow townies" kind of play. Overall if it's Ronishy v Ace I side with Ronishy but more because Ace is weird, not really anything amazing Ronishy has done, although they made some good points. Tensu made some good points about Ronishy in general:
After thinking for a while, I’m gonna go ahead and say I have a very slight scum lean on Ronishy. They seem to be active in the game but haven’t said anything very original throughout their several posts. I get the impression that they are playing cautiously and waiting before saying anything that would jeopardize their appearance. I’m getting sort of sheepy vibes from their posts:
(Everyone disagrees with the rng lynch, so safe bet)
(Agreeing with endless and calling for “serious questions,” when he hasn’t offered any himself)
With the exception of calling out Ace, nothing has been too significant at all. But I guess the Ace’s mood/attitude thing is a fair enough point. I have no familiarity with his play style so I honestly can’t say for sure. Either way, I don’t think this matter is of any particular importance (but I could be wrong). The only thing that has me second guessing is the fact that Ronishy is a very new player, and could just be acting like a timid townie. If he really is scum, then I don’t know how the other two might instruct him to act. Or if his responses are limited in substance because scum are not yet sure how to approach this game. Take this with a grain of salt though, your guesses are probably as good as mine right now.
This next post by Tensu is yeesh though because I can easily see this as scum just commentating on what they themselves are doing
Generally, I feel like everyone now is trying to avoid being too assertive and focusing on remaining null. Of course there have been posts but very little traction or actual substance. This makes me rather concerned we won’t be able to make an educated decision by EOD. Scum are just hoping we mislynch due to the limited analysis available at this point. I’m confident scum are just laying low among us, contributing but not adding anything of any real significance and possibly taking conversation off on tangents intentionally. But I’m opposed to a no lynch because then we’ll have less info to analyze later. I’m also opposed to lynching inactives because they’d probably end up modkilled and aren’t adding anything anyway. Not certain what to think right now... hopefully something interesting unfolds before EOD so we have a decent lynch candidate.
Actually reading glow's dedenne push made me realize how weak and noncommittal it was just due to overall D1-ness and I really think I let Endless sway me too much. So lowkey Glow was right on lampooning me for not reading D1. I think even though I was in essence a replacement player due to my not coming in and being active till D2, I should've initially not been lazy. My b. I will learn from this in the future.

Glow's looking really solid in my reading up, tbh.
Overall I can't say I learned much from the EoD dedenne lynch