Looking For Gaston, Octavian, Kyle, Chrissy, Francine!


Satanic Overlord
May 4, 2017
100% (17) +
I'll pay for any of these! I have TBT! :D

Gaston or Octavian
( Kyle obtained )

Best way to get in touch with me is on Discord for quicker responses!
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Sure thing at both of you! My FC is 3609 2103 8889
Let me know when you're ready with your FC and I'll send the TBT then! ❤︎
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I'll box Bam for you right now. Give me a few minutes and let you knowwhen my gate is open.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I've added your FC and my gate is opened now if you wanna pick up Bam! C:
No worries! You can just go and grab him. No need to wait for me. Just send tbt when you're done or let meknow here if any issues. c:
i have Octavian! I’ll let u know once he’s ready to move!
Sorry for the delay! I got a bunch of trades lined up, but once I’m done with this one I’ll box him up for you!
Hello! I have a completely original Francine in my town if you'd like her. Is 25 TBT fine?
Almost! I had to TT to get another villager in, and now I'm cycling in the one that'll get her in boxes. I'll PM you when my gates are open. Sorry for the wait!