Hey all, my name is Tess. I'm 22 which is a bit older than most of you but there you go
I just finished university in June, where I studied anthropology. I used to live in Scotland, but I moved to Wisconsin, USA a bit less than a year ago. I work at an art studio bar, as a manager. It's a fun and demanding job, but it doesn't pay very well, so I share my apartment with my mum and brother.
I just joined the forums about a month ago, but I love the community! When I'm not working or playing Animal Crossing, you can find me drinking coca-cola (I'm a bit of an addict!), shopping at charity shops, playing with/teasing my cat, painting, or riding my bicycle at the coastline
Although I work at a bar so you would imagine I'm quite social, I actually haven't made many friends since moving to America, nor have I particularly tried to

my main and best friend is my boyfriend, Conor, who still lives in Scotland so we mostly talk on Facebook and Skype. We met at university, but he is still studying
Animal Crossing wise, my main goal is to complete my catalogue and collect badges
I'm 5'0" and about 160lbs so I'm, shall we say, ~round lol. I have light skin and brown eyes and hair. Aaaand, now you all know more about me!