• Staff favorites and raffle winners have been announced for TBT's Season of Giving! See the latest announcement thread: TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony. Thank you to everyone for sharing your creativity and generosity during this event!

Get to know the people you share the forum with each day.

You should post on my friends profile who is your age and suffering from some of the same things as you! She's also a bio major

Username: SouthernBells

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I'm 20, hate my name, majoring in Biology, suffer from insomnia, and I can lucid dream. I also used to be a very avid reader and writer but I was getting anxiety and depression from that so I slowed down. It has sort of been replaced with RP for the time being.

You should post on my friends profile who is your age and suffering from some of the same things as you! She's also a bio major

Username: SouthernBells

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Hey y'all my name is Jenna. I'm a 21 Human Resources Major, minoring in Psychology. I have been dating my boyfriend for about 5 years now and I have 2 cats that I'm obsessed with. I enjoy playing with cameras and dabbling in oil/ acrylic painting. Joined this site not so much to further my animal crossing game but more to discuss various topics with people who I know share at least one of the same common interests as me (animal crossing). :)
I my name is Tania, 21 years old, going to be 22 in 2 weeks. I hate my birthday. I'm currently working but I will start University in Creative Media in September, living in London for 4 years now and going to move to Sheffield in August due to university.
I'm portuguese lol
I do enjoy drawing, working on PS, Ai, Flash(I'm a bit rusty, work consumes my time) and other stuff. Dating my partner since 2009 and living together since 2010.
Love Animal Crossing and got really addicted to it
Hey everyone!
My name is Lisa and I'm a 21 year-old college senior from Texas studying Biology!
I'm working a part-time job right now, but on my off time I also volunteer in a Cancer biology research lab on campus.
I love all things outdoor, animals, romantic poets, horror movies, and I'm really into music.
Just got a 3DS few weeks ago and New Leaf is already consuming my life!
Oh and I'm also always up late so if you ever want someone's brain to pick, I'm your girl!

Feel free to add me :)
Hello everyone!
I'm Ethan. I'm 16, turning 17 in two weeks. I'll be starting my senior year of high school this fall. Crazy to think I have one year left of high school. I've been a member of ACC for years and I finally joined this site, so I may know some of you all if you were there too. I love rock music, especially classic rock.
I intend on majoring in history and hopefully one day be a college professor and teach history.
I'm new here and would like to get to know some people. Feel free to message and/or add me :)
I'm Courtnee and I'm 21. I live in Gainesville, Texas. I love electronic dance music and in about a month my boyfriend and I are going to Las Vegas! So excited <3 :)

I have 2 kitties who I love very much. Their names are Nala & Xander. Nala is 4 and Xander is probably about 1 and a half months to 2 months old.
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Hi I'm 22 and my name is Sylver! I have severe anxiety and use animal crossing as part of a coping measure which is why I'm online a lot of the time. I don't work at the moment due to a mixture of my anxiety problems and my amoxophobia. I love anime and all sorts of movies! My favorite villager is Curlos and I have a cat and two gerbils.
Hi everyone! You guys can call me kat :) I just started playing animal crossing in may of this year and just recently joined the forums. I'm really started to like this community and I'm always looking for new friends!
Hi, I'm Joe, I have been playing ACWW since 2010-ish and have recently fallen into it through picking up my old DS Lite and falling in love with handheld gaming again, which is how I ended up here. If my interest in AC continues for the rest of the year, I'm getting a 3DS, pokemon alpha sapphire, ac new leaf and coming online. I didn't get a 3DS or consider it up until now because it was always so expensive, whereas now it is more affordable. Feel free to add me, but I'm not much of a talker. I'm also 16 and between school and college, so idling away until September when I'm taking an IT BTEC course which should get me into university :D
oh i've never posted here

HI I'M LACEY. i'm 24 and i live in florida. ACNL is my first animal crossing game but i plan to play all the ones that come out for the rest of forever. other games i enjoy include every pokemon game ever as well as the sims 3. i am currently a receptionist at a gated community but what i really want to do is be an author. i've been writing since i was a little kid and i'm working on a novel right now which i'm hoping to get published someday. i also write stories for my sims 3 legacies, and i do a lot of graphic design and print work in my down time. i'm extremely short (5'1 and a half) and obnoxiously perky and giggly IRL and my whole "sunshine" theme comes from people around me frequently calling me a little ball of sunshine. UM what else? i like bright colors and cutesy things and stuffed animals and soft blankets and kittens. okay i think i'm done now.
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About time I do this, since I like the forums so much...

Hello everyone! My name is Delphine, I'll soon be 18, and I live in Paris, France.
Next year, I'll be studying in a cinema school, for I would like to become a screenwriter one day. I am a HUGE fan of cartoons, comics and mangas. I like to think I know these subjects well, but there is always something to learn about them - if you want to talk about cartoons/animated movies feel free to send me a PM n_n
My favorite movies are Burton's and Tarantino's. I enjoy day-dreaming, writing, going to the movies, and I recently started drawing (well you never really start drawing, let's just say I'm trying not to doodle anymore but actually draw decent things lol). I'm also interested in politics and philosophy (not the boring philosophy that I studied in class, but it is my pleasure to have deep thoughts about the meaning of life and all that crap). I don't play tons of video games, but I am a big big Pok?mon player, and of course I love AC a lot.

I try my best to be happy every single day, and I am a very optimistic person - even though it's so hard most of the time, I think it's the best way to live your life in a sane way. I'm also very curious and there is nothing I like more than learning new things everyday.

That's pretty much all there is to know about me :)
'Sup. I'm a Smasher. I'm in peak physical condition, according to my doctor. I work out like a hog because I'm the youngest person in my town to ever win a marathon. (Age 15) I play the trumpet. Until recently I lived in a bad town. Yes, I have had to kill someone before, but it was in self-defense. (A burglar) That's me.

I'm nice, huh?
Oh I haven't written here yet.

I'm Grace, I'm 16 going into my junior year of high school, and I love music, movies, books, and anything nautical. I hope to study medicine when I'm older and maybe be a nurse practitioner. I started playing AC with the Gamecube version and I've since played every game except Wild World. I also sometimes play the Harvest Moon and Legend of Zelda games.

So yeah that's pretty much it. Feel free to add or message me!
hello! i'm mel ,and i live in texas. i'm 16 going into my junior year of high school. besides animal crossing, i love video games, anime, music, books, and art. i'm also a cosplayer with an interest in j-fashion. (classic lolita and mori kei mainly!) i am really bad at bio's on myself but i would love to get to know some of you guys! don't hesitate to message or add me.
Since I don't know many people, I'll post here too.

My name is Kaylah, and I live in Texas. I'm 14 years old(wow, I feel young xD). I'm a huge Pokemon/Kirby/AC nerd. I'm really shy and I often overlook things...so I make a lot of mistakes. ;n; I want to learn how to animate and make sprites because I'm really into animation and my idol animates. That's about it...I suck at bios...xD
I've never posted on here o.o Anyway, my name's Cecilia, I'm 16 & I'm Canadian :3 I'm currently learning French, and I'm deciding on whether or not to try and teach myself Dutch, German or Japanese. I would like to move to Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden or Japan when I'm older. I plan on becoming a nurse, specializing in either psychiatric or emergency/critical care.

My hobbies include reading, writing & playing the guitar. I also play video games, but I'm extremely casual. I rarely ever finish games tbh. Ummm. As far as interests go, my favourite shows are The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Hannibal & Rupaul's Drag Race. I'm also really into anime & Asian dramas :L Oh, and I'm in the middle of A Clash of Kings right now. My taste in music varies from Kpop to punk rock ^^; If I had to pick, I'd say my all-time favourite band would either be Neon Trees or Bad Suns.

I feel like I just wrote a dating site profile. I'd probably get like zero messages ^^;
I actually really don't know if I've posted here yet.
I'm Alyx. I'm a lady, and I'm 20 years old (just turned 20 on the 17th of June). I'm almost completely fluent in German. I live in Minnesota where it's strangely cold for July. I'm in a relationship with a lovely mister and I'm studying computer technology in school. I'll be starting my 3rd year in college this fall. I have a disability and use mobility aids and I play ACNL to lower the stress and to take my mind off of pain.

I am a relatively quiet person in-game but I can talk your ear off in private messaging and on the forums. I have a Skype and I get into the talkative moods but communicating for me is so limited in the game so I prefer to talk on Skype with the people I'm playing with. I don't usually let people in Mew because I spent a lot of time breeding special flowers and I had problems with thieves in the past when I opened my gates in Pokey for people to come and sell their turnips, but when I do have visitors in Mew I follow them like I'm their shadow and I often worry that they're creeped out by that but it's just me being careful. I often don't like visitors really because I'm distracted most of the time and if I'm just standing in one place I got distracted by something outside of the game but I still know my visitor is there. I get lonely a lot, though, so I appreciate getting messages and will open my gate if I really need someone to pop in and say hi.

I have two towns, Mew and Pokey. Mew is based on the sound that cats make and is almost completely full of cat villagers. It's complete, with all the villagers I wanted and could fit in one town. Pokey is my second town and it's still in development. The name comes from Gumby's red horse friend, Pokey. Since the beginning of me playing Animal Crossing in 2002, my towns have almost always been named Mew and Pokey. Pokey is becoming my second town for the rest of my wanted/loved villagers and it used to be a cycle town (it's in November 2015 right now so I'm a time traveler in that town exclusively).

I am a huge fan of Doctor Who, The X-Files, House MD, Scrubs, Trauma Center, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Professor Layton & Animal Crossing of course. I could talk about my favorites for hours. I like roleplaying/writing and drawing. I have a Tumblr, actually, many Tumblrs. I have my main, an art blog, a Pokemon blog, an ACNL blog, a bunch of Trauma Center-related blogs, and about 6 or 7 RP blogs. I also have a blog for my cat because I am a huge dork and she is a pretty kitty and her name is Desi Rose (short for Destiny Rosalia).

I think that's about it for now, this became a really long post because I entered my talkative mood. Oh my.
I have not posted here yet.

My name is technically Alexandra and this was due to my relatives being russian; my father chose this name for me, I have always gone by the Nickname for Alexandra; Sasha. I do mostly use my username on forums and such and have never actually bothered to use my real name or nickname. I am 25, turning 26 this December 13th (love the 13th), I plan to learn Japanese at some point as due to my enormous interest in the Orient and it's culture (not due to my nerdiness, so don't be rude please) I have always wanted to visit Japan and get into the Scene, maybe live there fr 1-2 years and get a feel for the society. I will add now I am an absolute maniac for Anime, Manga, Web Design (Yes I made my anime/game sigs /all of them/) I hope to major in different areas of design as it is my biggest passion to improve on<3

I also love good books, I read a lot of teen novels haha, I enjoy paranormal romances; I also do love adult historical romance novels, especially genres centered around the 1500's-1600's Medieval/Renaissance era, I will add to that I am obsessed with history around King Henry VIII, he has so much negativity and it fascinates me<3 I will also add haha I live in Northern California so I am in PST, along with the forums and am a huge night owl, yes I have been up all night until now xD

I plan to work towards my driver's license and I don't care that I am still 25 and licenseless, I also still live with my mom; not a big deal, shouldn't be to others either; I also have a severe chronic cough that becomes debilitating so need the extra help from her<3 I am gtting a part-time job to py towards going back to college, I have been to two college's>>first was for Dgital Design in Motion Graphics and I miss it terribly<3 My second was for outright Web Design, while that s still my biggest passion the college wasn't a good fit for me sadly. I am going to get my BA in MGD (AKA Motion Graphic Design) and keep my web design/other design on the side and perhaps attend college again (after finding a good fit) I did go to college for approximately 4+ years altogether, so have quite some knowledge on my design, but always improving on what I know:)

Lastly I just had to say, I am an absolute Doxie (AKA Dachshund) lover and my first ever dog was a Black and Silver Dappled Mini, she was my light when I was in extreme and severe depression, she was my savior potentially from the darkness and she passed about a year ago on may 3rd</3 I shall always have a place in my heart for all and any animals I plan to sign up for animal donations and rescues as I am quite dedicated to wanting to help those poor loving friends/creatures<3

If anyone wants to know anything else about me go ahead and VM/PM me, I can assure you I am a very friendly and social person (used to be socially awkward)<3

Note- some typos too lazy to fix and sorry for chattiness hehe.
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My name's Hazel
Um, I'm currently studying my Visual Arts degree at university (start my final year in September). I am a big animal lover
and I guess I am completely hooked on New leaf and that's why I'm here. Also I tend to browse forums and not really post much because I'm shy and when I do post it's impulse.. a bit like now
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I have not posted here yet.

My name is technically Alexandra and this was due to my relatives being russian; my father chose this name for me, I have always gone by the Nickname for Alexandra; Sasha. I do mostly use my username on forums and such and have never actually bothered to use my real name or nickname. I am 25, turning 26 this December 13th (love the 13th), I plan to learn Japanese at some point as due to my enormous interest in the Orient and it's culture (not due to my nerdiness, so don't be rude please) I have always wanted to visit Japan and get into the Scene, maybe live there fr 1-2 years and get a feel for the society. I will add now I am an absolute maniac for Anime, Manga, Web Design (Yes I made my anime/game sigs /all of them/) I hope to major in different areas of design as it is my biggest passion to improve on<3

I also love good books, I read a lot of teen novels haha, I enjoy paranormal romances; I also do love adult historical romance novels, especially genres centered around the 1500's-1600's Medieval/Renaissance era, I will add to that I am obsessed with history around King Henry VIII, he has so much negativity and it fascinates me<3 I will also add haha I live in Northern California so I am in PST, along with the forums and am a huge night owl, yes I have been up all night until now xD

I plan to work towards my driver's license and I don't care that I am still 25 and licenseless, I also still live with my mom; not a big deal, shouldn't be to others either; I also have a severe chronic cough that becomes debilitating so need the extra help from her<3 I am gtting a part-time job to py towards going back to college, I have been to two college's>>first was for Dgital Design in Motion Graphics and I miss it terribly<3 My second was for outright Web Design, while that s still my biggest passion the college wasn't a good fit for me sadly. I am going to get my BA in MGD (AKA Motion Graphic Design) and keep my web design/other design on the side and perhaps attend college again (after finding a good fit) I did go to college for approximately 4+ years altogether, so have quite some knowledge on my design, but always improving on what I know:)

Lastly I just had to say, I am an absolute Doxie (AKA Dachshund) lover and my first ever dog was a Black and Silver Dappled Mini, she was my light when I was in extreme and severe depression, she was my savior potentially from the darkness and she passed about a year ago on may 3rd</3 I shall always have a place in my heart for all and any animals I plan to sign up for animal donations and rescues as I am quite dedicated to wanting to help those poor loving friends/creatures<3

If anyone wants to know anything else about me go ahead and VM/PM me, I can assure you I am a very friendly and social person (used to be socially awkward)<3

Note- some typos too lazy to fix and sorry for chattiness hehe.

;o; ) I'm soo happy to know more about you.
I'll type my bio in a bit. :')

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Well, my name is Stephanie and I've lived 16 human years turning 17 on July 26.
I was born down in Pensacola, Florida in an area for the elderly and retired, so I knew few children during my early childhood.
While I was sickly and shy when I was young, the change from private to public school quickly changed me.
I can now say I'm confident enough to approach someone and laugh instead of hiding behind my mom's skirt.
I can say that I love meeting new people thanks to my friend Lauren who would greet strangers with a huge grin.
I've also joined into sports every year so now I can say I toughened up a bit.
Just this summer, (while on motion-sickness medicine lol), I've enjoyed my first rollercoaster ride(s) and became an adrenaline junkie. My trip to Disneyland and Knottsberry farm in California was the best time of my life.
It showed me that going past my comfort zone was worth trying.
I've also had a passion for drawing since I could basically hold a crayon. Drawings of my family turned into landscapes with friends which progressed into paintings one would find in a fantasy picture book. My specialty is now painting and soft mold sculpting, and I'd love any chance to improve on my mouse art in gimp. xD Kitten-senpai became a true friend for me on this tbt forum. At first I just gave her a huge fit because we had so many similar interests.
So~~to some up me~~I'm 1/4 Japanese, 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 German, and 1/4 English.
My mom basically introduced dad to some anime while they fell in love in the military.
Now I was raised off of Sailor Moon and other ancient anime now, so of course I grew into a huge otaku.
This thread gave me an opportunity to learn so much about you guys, so thanks for reading!
Ehhhhhh I'm not as good with introductions and stuff but I'll give it a try uwu

Wellllllllll just call me Vriska around here lol. I'm 19, but I am turning 20 relatively soon, and I live in New York. I'm a sophomore in university as a geography major, and I hope to continue on and obtain my PhD in geography one day as well :)

Aside from the obvious (New Leaf), I love Homestuck and I also like anime (Shinsekai Yori is my absolute favorite), Pokemon, GFX, shows other than anime (Namely, Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, and Doctor Who), reading, music, dogs, and etc. I like lots of different things so it's hard for me to sum up what I like most haha, but one thing I can say for sure is that I'm a big people-person with my friends and I love spending time with them. I'm also a big fan of tumblr. I love learning about new things, especially places being a geography major haha. I used to be a heavy gamer back in the Gamecube days but not so much anymore, now I consider myself to be a casual gamer and pretty much only play Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Mario Kart, and more "obscure" indie computer games (Such as Yume Nikki, anyone?).

Anyway that gives you a general idea of who I am, feel free to message me or whatever if you want to start chatting :)