Well hello Isa....Avalon 
Let me explain a bit.
The American school system is based off of three different types of education.
Primary education, this your grade school/ elementary school and is usually classified from ages 5 starting in Kidnergaten till 5th grade or around age 11.
Secondary Education, is the middle school high school level. This starts at age 11-12 and goes until around age 18-19. Middle school/junior high is grade level 6,7,8 high school starts at 9 and continues to 12. High schoolers refer to themselves as Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors respectively.
Tertiary Education, is a college or university(Americans typically use this term interchangeably) level education. Students really get to choose how long they want to attend university and this will usually determine the degree of education they are getting. 1-year is usually classified as a certificate. 2 years is an Associates degree. 4 years is a bachelors degree and is the most common (I am getting a bachelors in International Business) 5+years is what is considered graduate school. Students can earn a Masters or Doctorate (PHD) at this level, and time is dependent on the area of study!
I hope that helps
Let me explain a bit.
The American school system is based off of three different types of education.
Primary education, this your grade school/ elementary school and is usually classified from ages 5 starting in Kidnergaten till 5th grade or around age 11.
Secondary Education, is the middle school high school level. This starts at age 11-12 and goes until around age 18-19. Middle school/junior high is grade level 6,7,8 high school starts at 9 and continues to 12. High schoolers refer to themselves as Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors respectively.
Tertiary Education, is a college or university(Americans typically use this term interchangeably) level education. Students really get to choose how long they want to attend university and this will usually determine the degree of education they are getting. 1-year is usually classified as a certificate. 2 years is an Associates degree. 4 years is a bachelors degree and is the most common (I am getting a bachelors in International Business) 5+years is what is considered graduate school. Students can earn a Masters or Doctorate (PHD) at this level, and time is dependent on the area of study!
I hope that helps
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